Photos of the real Elvis, Puck, and Lupin! (And the People too).

The boys at Christmas 2013

Afternoon lounging, when Lupin was still a kitten.

The boys at breakfast.

I promise we only break on the ties on special occasions. This was during a charity marathon in our home.

Lupin and Elvis, head butting in their sleep.

Puck and Lupin, napping in their favorite sunspot.

Puck and Lupin, when Lupin was a baby.

Puck and baby Lupin, resting on the couch.

We took a lot of photos of this nap… But I mean… LOOK AT THIS NAP.


Lupin playing with Elvis’s tail.

The boys relaxing on our bed.

Napping on the couch.

It’s a very popular couch.

Lupin investigates the camera during the Christmas 2013 photo shoot.

The People (in the Man’s shorter hair days).

“The Man”, my husband Ryan.

The Man and the boys.

Nap time

“The Woman”, myself Georgia

The Woman and Elvis

I’m pretty enthusiastic about cats….

The Man, before and after he lost his tail.

The Man and the tail itself, ready to be donated to ‘Locks of Love’!

Elvis dislikes change!

Some more of our Halloween decorations!

A few of the “Puck pictures/statues” in the apartment for Halloween!

Puck and Lupin investigate a pumpkin bucket.

The first time Elvis encountered another cat (this was a lost kitty we took in for a few days before locating her owner!)

Elvis and Puck enjoying a heating vent in our old house back in Seattle.
I really like this site. Just my style. I’m so glad that Ingrid at the Conscious Cat posted about you so that I can have you in y life for more fun. My fur people will let me know what they think later: they’re sleeping now.
Just discovered you and I love the site! What adorable kitties and your cartoons are hysterical. So true to cat nature. Hudson, Gromit, Isis, Coulson and I are all fans.
so who is the cat that is sometimes outside the window? the one in the Hawaiian shirt? lol he seems to be present in older and newer comics (so at the old and new house, seeing as you moved). :]
Hello Pia!
“Backyard Cat” or “Tommy” is also a real cat, who belongs to my good friend Jackie Betty. He bears a strong resemblance to the actual other real cat that used to roam our backyard in Seattle, WA, upsetting Elvis, Puck, and Lupin to no end. Not knowing that cat’s personality, I merged his character with Tommy, and gave him all of Tommy’s friendly, eager strangeness. When we moved to Rhode Island, we moved closer to Tommy, who also lives in the Ocean State! In real life, the boys have never met Tommy… Yet.
I may have to give him an about page, you’re the second person to ask about his story today! 🙂
Thanks so much for the reply! I think Tommy is great, I love how upset they get at his friendly appearances, definitely how my cat reacts to any other cat she happens to see. I agree he should have his own spot on the website. I love BCN– it can always cheer me up, and all of your other work is great too! Thanks again!
PS. Hope you don’t mind, you seem like an animal person and I just wanted to share this photo of my two best friends. The kitty cat is Emerald Anastasia Von Cuddles worth– but we call her Aunna or Aunnabell for short. and the puppy dog is Biene. XD (hope the photo shows up >.<)
Don’t think the photo is going to work…but just in case your curious here’s the link:
and here’s one more of aunna just for cuteness sake:
^.^ Have a good day!
AHHH!!! She is adorable! What a pretty little lady! Believe it or not, she looks a bit like Elvis’s father. His Dad was a flame point Siamese, and in the sunlight you can see dark rings on his tail like a raccoon, ha! (The dog is adorable too 🙂 ).
haha thanks! yeah I love them loads! I totally believe it, she’s a flame point Persian so that would make sense ^.^ out of curiosity what was Elvis’s mother then, another Siamese? We used to have a Siamese mix named Gina, she was the best.
Yes! His mother was a lovely little grey and white Siamese. 🙂 Interestingly, all of his siblings were brown and cream like him. A friend of mine adopted his older brother and sister. The brother looks just like Elvis, but is very laid back and friendly, ha! His name is Merlin.
I love your comics and your reporters!
So cute and funny. And it’s exactly like cats doing ))) I have a three of them too )
All four of your boys are beautiful and precious, and three of them are very handsome in ties. I read that you guys live in Rhode island, that’s so crazy because that’s where I am, and pretty much nobody on the internet can even find Rhode Island on a map, let alone actually resides there. ^_^
I love this comic! Hilarious! All of it rings so true.
What a fine thing to do, kudoes to you Man!
My sister (who lives w/me & my hubby) and I ADORE your comic strip! Although you need to have a life, we wish it was published daily, it’s THAT good! My 9 cats (Bubble & Kyri, Otto & Juergen, Boo Boo & Jazzy, Katya, Arkady & Lera) agree! They are four sets of siblings ranging from 13 to 1 years of age, and they keep life here on Florida’s west coast VERY exciting. Best to your three furry buddies, as well as you, the Man & the baby!
Thank you so, so much Meli! I wish it were a daily strip too, perhaps one day in the future! Hello to you and your brood, human and felines alike!
Thank you so much for your wonderful news upates from Puck, Lupin & Elvis. Having five cats (Callie, Viggo, Ferdy, Spike & Nina, which are between 19 & 4 years old)! of my own, I can identify with their behaviour & find your cartoons so enjoyable & funny. Thank you for sharing your talent & family with us. Best wishes, Meryl cats from Northamptonshire, UK.
Your cats are amazing and absolutely deserve their own comic strip! So they were very smart to find you and The Man so they could be appreciated by more of us.
I love “Breaking Cat News”. Discovered it through It’s a wonderful funny strip and you have nailed cat sensibilities. I hope you’re able to get a book published of your comic in the future. I enjoy reading it with our three cats. Kamin and Batai who are brothers we adopted from Harbor Humane Society and Adira our little girl cat (also adopted from Harbor Humane) who is not a sister by birth, but loves her two adopted brothers dearly and does not hesitate to let them know who’s boss.
Thank you so much, Paul! (I hope so too). I’m delighted you enjoy the comic! And I love your cats’ names. 🙂
I will DEFINITELY buy the book when it comes out! 🙂
Thank you for creating such a fun and whimsical comic strip. My five cats (four ten-year-old siblings—Rascal(ita), Cinnamon, Thunderstorm and Scout; and Burrito, a tuxedo rescue from outside who lost the vision in one eye despite all our efforts to combat this tiny kitten’s respiratory infection; the oldest sibling, my beloved Pumpkin and their cherished four-pound tortoiseshell momma Frances passed on a few years back) show up in your strip all the time! I have shared your site with quite a few of my fellow cat lovers and have received so many thanks for sharing.
Thank YOU for sharing, Valerie! I’m so glad you like the comic enough to show other cat folks. Your little pride of kitties sound great! 🙂
I just love your cartoon. I first saw it on gocomics and then found your website. Currently my son and I are owned by Queen Margot, Cleo the dominatrix, Bucky the Bold and Larry (Fangs) the Lucky. Unfortunately I don’t have the expertise to post pictures at this time. Larry is a lot like Tommy, very lovable and friendly although he is a black and gray mctabby and not really fat or massive. He has the cutest fangs that stick out a lot. He showed up at our house 2 years ago when he was around 2 years old and we took him in. Will add more info on our other cats in the near future.
Thanks for posting photos of the real cats! I was especially eager to see a picture of Puck. My folks also have a black cat named Puck, so he has naturally been my favorite in the comics. 🙂 How wonderful that Puck and Elvis were so receptive to Lupin. I recently rescued a kitten, and my two cats have not warmed to her at all. Keep up the good work! I look forward to many more new comics.
Thank you, Kaci! Hopefully in time they will warm up! We had many “two steps forward, one step back” moments when Lupin was a kitten, but we’ve been very lucky that the boys all get along as well as they do. Much luck to you and your kitties!
HELLO! i love this little comic of yours ^^ its a great pick me up on good and especially bad days. also like many have said, this is exactly how cats are too. i have two cats my self. a nearly 2 year old bengal mix from a farm named cheshire (hes a little trouble maker, slightly learning disabled) and a 6 almost 7 year old maine coon tabby mix named luna. lupin makes me think of both and elvis reminds me of my boy. your cats clearly get along much better than mine two do tho. how do they handle the baby? most cats dont seem to like babies very much
They have been good about the baby, Puck is especially good with him, he will even accompany us to check on him when he is crying sometimes! Lupin was much more interested before the Baby could walk, and now he stays close but out of reach. Elvis–after a period of very jealous adjustment–guards the Baby regularly and is protective of him, but does not want much to do with him. About a month ago the Baby (now quickly becoming the Toddler) got to Elvis before I could stop him, and threw his arms around him for a hug. Elvis was MOST DISPLEASED–but very patient and passive.
What handsome boys!
I love this comic so much I wish I could scoop it up and cuddle it! Every part of it is heartwarming and has helped me get through this rather miserable winter! I’m not much of a commenter because I get a bit shy, but seeing these pictures I had to comment on how much Elvis looks like my boy, Kahlo! Here’s a picture of him happily curled up in the middle of my clean laundry:
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely family with the rest of us! 🙂
Oh, wow!! They do look a lot a like! What a handsome boy!
My friend saved a cat and recorded it. Thought you might appreciate the video I created for Elsa…the Frozen cat.
Several of us are through severe BCN withdrawal and have resorted to sharing old strips. I’m suffering from a bad cold and spent a while yesterday reading from beginning to end. Some of them had me bronchospasming and scaring my own cats (who are tired of my coughing; they consider it ‘sploding). One of the funniest lines: “Have at thee, lump!” Seeing photos of the boys: you have captured Elvis’s aggrieved expression perfectly! And their interaction! That Lupin is so much younger explains a lot about him: the laundry room, and when Elvis had the Cone of Shame. (Still giggling over that one).
Yes, Lupin is the “baby” of the boys 🙂 And in real life, I get the impression Puck and Elvis don’t let him forget it! Thank you about Elvis’s expression! He is a very expressive cat. As you can see I still sneak on here during quiet moments to see how everyone is doing/if there are new comments, etc. 🙂
Dear georgia et al
Your cartoon strip is a riot! We hope you will put these treasures into book form.
your adventures are so real to all humans who live with cats (and vice-versa). Here’s
looking forward to your next strip.
Yours truly,
Barbara & Steve Rose, Orion, Sunny, Katie, Dylan, Leila and Shira
Love the strip and love the real life photos! It would be fun to see some flashbacks to Lupin’s arrival, since oh my gosh so adorable as a kitten!
Somehow I missed these photos, and I’m so glad I found them. The photos of The Nap are indeed epic. Your boys are so sweet and good with each other. I love seeing the photos, but it makes me just a teeensy bit jealous because my kitty hates all other cats and would never suffer the presence of a new feline interloper. Fortunately, I can coo over your boys and enjoy their friendship vicariously.
When Elvis saw that new cat, did he growl? We had a Siamese and when we bought in two new Siamese he didn’t like it one bit! He sat at my feet and told me in no uncertain terms that he did not like these new cats. It went on for about half an hour. I was on the phone with a friend and she could hear him. My husband and I tried not to laugh but it was hard not to. After that he became very nice to them and became their parent.
I love when Siamese cats are vocal! Elvis typically reacts with a lot of tail twitching and aggravated glares, ha!
That is the most incredible nap of all time. OF ALL TIME!
It really is. I come back to look at it every now and again.
I am in love with your cats!! (and my Tazi-Kat is too!)
I really wish there were an easy way to share this page with someone, other than by Facebook (no account – don’t want one) or by sending the URL. Most of the other pages have alternatives, including printing, but not this one 🙁
Good lord I love BCN! Iv’e read every single comic out there, and I’m DYING to see new ones, I check every day! We have a black Bombay that is very vocal, she watches the birds too (but only at 7 AM, when she sits on my face to look out the window!) Do you have any funny stories about Puck’s bird-watching? I’d love to hear some!
The funniest (well, cutest) part about Puck’s bird watching is how regular it is. After breakfast, he always takes in birds at the window for about 30-60 minutes. And he does NOT want to be disturbed. This particular strip happens fairly regularly. One of the only times Puck hisses is if Elvis or Lupin want to play during bird watching or try share his perch. 🙂
Oh, my, the look on Elvis’ face in the picture of him encountering another cat — the lost kitty you had taken in — is the best thing ever. 🙂
Such beautiful cats, they sound wonderful. Although, I find it baffling – in many of your photos, you refer to this cat ‘Lupin’, yet I have not managed to spot him. Is it some kind of ‘Where’s Wally’ game?
Oh wow! A friend from recommended it to me! Now that I’ve read through all the issues up till May 26, 2016, I was so excited to post several especially (The Big Spoon Issue) and the Ankle Issue to Facebook as well as text the site to my friends! I can’t wait to buy your book for my best friend’s birthday (end of November, but I like being prepared). She and her husband also have 3 cats together and were overwhelmed by the personality and characters of The Boys and The People :).
The one pic with Elvis and the lost kitty, his reaction reminds me of when he puffs up in the comics. XD
Having just seen a picture of PUCK for the first time, except for the missing leg he looks just like my last ‘adoption’ from our local animal shelter, from whence came all of my now six cats. He has the same white ‘bowtie’ on his chest! He also has white underwear on his bottom.
Having been a volunteer at the shelter, I have come across a couple of three legged cats, all with one rear leg, and they get along just fine even if they had a fairly long life with four legs!
Hope your move went, or is going, well and look forward to seeing you and the man and boys again soon.
BTW: My Puck lookalike is named EBONY and is an I/O cat-out first thing in the morning to go chase squirrels in my neighbors yard, in at suppertime (he comes when called) and spends the night sleeping in a rocking chair in the bedroom. My smallest cat is a gold/white munchkin, short legged and a very beautiful female named LITTLE BIT. The rest are MANDY, a domestic long hair, BLAZE and TARA, both flaming brindle dsh’s, and SMOKEY, an overweight but happy English Blue.
GOD BLESS you, the man, the boy, and your three beautiful cats!
Love the photos! Especially the one with the lost and found kitteh. The look on Elvis’ face makes me laugh. It’s just like his likeness in the comics. I love how you bring these adorable cats to life. Love the stories.
Aunt Cat Whisperer goes to BCN first thing before she reads anything else in the paper. Mama Cat saves it for the last, like dessert!
Daddy Cat can’t figure BCN out, but he’s still a great kitty daddy! Allie Cat & Dusty Cat just want treats, attention, birds in the window, & more treats! Take VERY good care of your drawing hand! Mega best wishes to the whole gang! We won’t say who’s our favorite — ALL cats are favs! And cat people are just wunnerful, wunnerful!
I love your strip! I look forward to reading it every day! The art is wonderful! And now I’ve discovered your website and loved seeing these photos.
Thank you, Anna!
BCN is the best thing to hit the papers, EVER! So much love & laughter to help smooth over the icky things “out there”. Georgia, you are a national treasure! And may God bless EVERYONE in your orbit! Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you. . . . . . .
Wow, I thoroughly enjoy this site and your strip.
Thank you!! 😀
Our IT group so needs an “Everything is broken and we don’t know who did it” poster. Or better yet, the boys at computers with a more accurate “Everything is broken and no one knows why” headline.
the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has added your comic to
the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has added your strip to their Comics page, and I have been enjoying it but… Those two kitties better find their way home by Christmas or I will be done with you! I actually cried when he said he was going to sleep on the shirt that was like the one his person wore! and for that matter, why aren’t you out scouring the neighborhood for your baby, instead of just putting out food on the porch… Grrr!
Hahaha!! Thank you, Maureen! I hope so much that you enjoyed the rest of the Christmas special!
Breaking Cat News just began running not long ago in our local paper. I began reading it immediately and it rapidly rose to being the one thing in the entire paper I really looked forward to reading every day. My wife initially didn’t follow the strip but now has joined me in following the exploits of the “boys”. Love the recent thread about Tommy. A great tale (tail?) for the Christmas season! Keep up the outstanding work!
Thank you so much, Daniel! It means a lot to hear kind words about the comic, thank you for taking the time to tell me you and your wife enjoy it!
Our newspaper added BCN a few months back and it has quickly become my “go to” strip. It is so obvious from the plot of each strip that the boys fill your lives with joy. Loved the one a couple weeks ago about the boys breathlessly waiting for the litter box to be cleaned. Like you, we are fortunate enough to have a 13 year old Maine Coon princess named Megan that has decided it is ok if we live in her house. Can’t wait until tomorrow morning to see what your guys are up to!
Thank you, Dave!! I’m so happy to read these kind words and hear that you enjoy the strip!
I love your strip!! It’s only in the e-edition of the Oregonian in Portland, OR, but I have emailed the editor to let him know what a fan I am. I loved the bit about Tommy. We have a neighbor cat that comes in through our dog door and jumps up on the dryer (which is where we kept the cat food when we had beagle so the location hasn’t changed) and eats our cat’s food. He even got into her catnip one day, clawed open the pouch and ate all of it! He’s the neighborhood mooch. And my cat, Clinton, is not particular fond of him. Thanks again. Enjoy the strip every single day!!
Thank you so much, Karen!! And awww, the cat sneaking in through the dog door cracks me up!
Continue to love the strip! It’s now published in the printed paper and not just online. Yeah!! We have a neighborhood cat that’s found the pot of catnip. It’s covered with a screen to keep the cats out but he was licking it through the screen then next thing I knew, he’s lying in the pot! It’s now his favorite place to nap. Thanks for sharing your family antics via the strip. I look forward to it every day.
I LOVE your comic strip!! I look forward to reading it every week in our local paper. You and your kitties not only brighten my day but my whole week as well!!! Keep up the good work!! Your wonderful!
Thank you so, so much, Jackie!! I’m thrilled you enjoy the comic!
Trying again ’cause I’m not sure this went the first time.
I love your strip & figured you had to live in Seattle because of the snow stories all week. So I looked you up on the internet & came across your wonderful website.
Thank you for advocating for shelter & special needs cats! I, also, lived with a thee-legged cat for many years & she was an awesome kitty! She could do anything except climb the ladder to the loft in my house.
Keep up the great work!
I’m so glad to see you in the Seattle Times–print edition. (Am I the last dead tree reader?). You’re in Monday-Saturday, but not in Sunday. This should be investigated! My Twinkle Toes has a serious crush on Elvis.