Hello everyone! All this month Breaking Cat News will be one continuous holiday story! Tune in on Mondays and Thursdays from now until Christmas eve. I hope you will enjoy it
He is, I promise! Although many of these come from real life, we are super, super, SUPER careful not to let the boys get out. This first installment is pretty much my worst nightmare–but never fear! There are still seven more parts to the Christmas special ahead!
I have a neurotic part-Siamese (ragdoll, maybe? he was a rescue, so all we really have is the vet’s best guess) of my own, and last Christmas, we thought he had gotten out of my parents’ house where the doors actually lead to the outdoors rather than the hall. Two of us independently searched the house three times, rattling treats everywhere we went, and nothing. We were totally freaking out, starting to look in the bushes outside, when I searched a fourth time inside and found him — he’d somehow gotten completely rolled up in two comforters that I swear to you we had moved while looking for him. He was really angry to have his nest dismantled.
Oh, how absolutely terrifying! We had just moved into our new house halfway across the country and lost track of our tabby boy who’d unhappily travelled with us. Scared us half to death! I mean, how do you lose a cat in an empty house? We searched the house, and the garage, and the yard, and were just preparing to scour the neighborhood for him when I lifted the air bed to look for one of my ballerina flat shoes. Yup. He was curled up asleep in the exact middle of the floor space under the air bed. *headdesk*
I had a cat go missing in a nearly empty apartment that I was moving into. I had put my desk in the living room but not set it up yet. I had the desk on the bottom of the desk and the top which overhung the side. This created a small hiding place, and there was Sai Sai.
Tip: If you find a hiding place used by one of your cats, do not let on that you know. (If you make a fuss about it, kitty is going to look for another hiding place.) After all, you probably just want to know that your cat is doing fine.
What a fantastic idea! I can’t wait for the next episode.
Until then I just need to figure out how many Christmas cards to get. They’re all wonderful. I chuckle every time I see Elvis justifying his stocking of coal. Looks like his wrestling moniker should be Mommy’s Special BAD Boy.
Our Max the Mighty Biscuit got out on Christmas day. Hours and hours of searching turned up not a sniff of gray fur. Finally the husband took to the road to drive up and down the streets looking for him and returned with a tiny white kitten found abandoned on the roadside. Her name is Noel and she’s been with us for 2 years. Twice the happy ending, we finally found Max hiding in a box on the porch just before the blizzard hit!
I love that Puck thinks the tree in from Las Vegas! I am also very relieved to know this was not something Elvis actually did. I just love every one of your stories!
Love the expression on the cardinal’s face in the last panel. Oh, heck, I love everything about Breaking Cat News and always make a SQUEE noise when a new post shows up.
The so boys are indoor cats, huh? I was starting to wonder why they never went outside. We just lived that worry with Byte. Poor boy sprained his paw and refused to come near anyone. He disappeared for a few days and we were worried something had happened to him, but he came back this morning. Unfortunately, his paw’s still bad, but at least he’s okay.
They are. We live on a very busy road, (surrounded by forests filled with coyotes and fisher cats ) and when Puck and Lupin were adopted from their shelter Purrfect Pals it was with the agreement that they would be indoor only cats. Puck’s missing leg makes him a target for predators (shudder to think!) and with Lupin being deaf it would be very difficult to call him back in. So, the boys must live the indoor life, but they seem quite content with it!
We have 8 rescued kitties. The newest installment is a little kitten which it seems someone left off at our house. I think this is ANY cat owner’s or any pet owner’s worst nightmare. Just as a precaution, every door leading outside has a box of treats and a laser pointer. =^w^=
I’m quite looking forward to your Christmas special. This will be as good as an Advent calendar! Elvis Alone! Elvis’s Winter Wonderland Walkabout! The People Are Beside Themselves with Worry! (I know I would be.) Dare I hope that our fluffy friend Tommy will make an appearance? Oh, the shame if Elvis has to accept help from the hated “Backyard Cat”. I’m all a-tingle with excitement for the future episodes.
Another great comic. Absolutely love the plan for a Christmas Special. To be honest I’m already hoping that next year I can put a book of your comics on my Christmas wish list.
I love that last panel with Elvis’s tail all blown up. Typical kitty!! Meet the unknown and they blow up like a bottle brush, lol. Our cat Thelma is greased lightning with fur; zip thru an opening and run like hell. She will get out the least crack of the door and streak immediately to the top of the tallest tree on the block, me in hot pursuit. Then, she’d casually come down to a branch just out of reach, and look regally around, as if daring me to come up and get her. Thankfully, she can usually be coaxed down with her favorite cat treats, purring furiously. Can’t wait to see what adventures Elvis has!
We are just having an opposite problem – someone left a small cat in our yard and we’ve been trying for weeks to get her inside. She’s terribly afraid of everything and everyone. And it’s already rainy and cold and winter is coming. But food and strings and feathers are slowly starting to work, this evening it’s the second time we’ve got her to enter the house and sleep in the hallway.
Jumping in to share my cat escape story, since that seems to be the thing to do:
My crazy little gray fluffball Twilight (named so for his streaks of orange, long before that book series existed, curse you Stephanie Meyer) slipped out somehow in late January a few years back during the worst winter in decades. Not a trace of him was found, and meanwhile snowstorms came and went. We finally found him five weeks after his escape, starved to the point of jaundice, but just within the range of what my parents (two skilled veterinarians) could rehabilitate. It wasn’t easy; they had actually been taught that “a yellow cat is a dead cat”. They brought him around, and he has since long forgotten his evidently poor hunting skills and still tries to get out to chase birds from time to time. Silly kitty.
Maybe to make you feel better about disabled kitties! Our one-eyed and mostly blind cat, Una, escaped from the house for 6 days! Despite naysayers and long nights searching every inch of the forested hillside we live on, she turned up the night I called in for work ON OUR PORCH. Suffice to say we got a belled collar and definitely don’t underestimate our little Una. (Almost a year to the day we thought she had escaped again only to discover her rolled up in the curtains and blankets by our bird cage!)
my fluffy little 6 almost 7 year old mainecoon tabby luna has gotten out a couple times. never when im home, oddly enough, but a couple times she was at a relatives condo and got into the garage. the first time they took a while to get her back in… the second time they tried to spook her out from under the cars by opening the garage door and she went and hid in the bushes instead. another time, my only 1 and a haf year old bengal mix cheshire (not too long after he’d been brought to the house) had been causing her serious irritation and jealousy so she ran from the front of the house and into the back yard!! sadly she still doesnt like him very much but they’re great very goofy cats. i only lose track of luna, never cheshire (we keep a closer eye on him because hes slightly learning disabled it seems)
Discussion (59) ¬
Oh dear! When Miss Nina did her walkabout, at least it was warm weather…Poor Elvis! I trust he returned safely? Can’t wait for the next installment….
Gives a whole new perspective on “tweeting”
Oh-Oh! You better promise me a happy ending to this story. I’m not sure about Elvis’s survival skills.
Hello everyone! All this month Breaking Cat News will be one continuous holiday story! Tune in on Mondays and Thursdays from now until Christmas eve. I hope you will enjoy it
And BCN Christmas cards and prints are finally for sale in my Etsy shop! You can find them here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/GeorgiaDunnStudio?section_id=16407245&ref=shopsection_leftnav_8 I’m having a Cyber Monday sale! Today when you enter the coupon code “Sleighbells2014” at check out, you’ll save 25%!
This is the first time commenting just to say
And plus I love, love, love your comics!
Thank you!!
Please tell me Elvis is safe and sound at home.
He is, I promise! Although many of these come from real life, we are super, super, SUPER careful not to let the boys get out. This first installment is pretty much my worst nightmare–but never fear! There are still seven more parts to the Christmas special ahead!
I have a neurotic part-Siamese (ragdoll, maybe? he was a rescue, so all we really have is the vet’s best guess) of my own, and last Christmas, we thought he had gotten out of my parents’ house where the doors actually lead to the outdoors rather than the hall. Two of us independently searched the house three times, rattling treats everywhere we went, and nothing. We were totally freaking out, starting to look in the bushes outside, when I searched a fourth time inside and found him — he’d somehow gotten completely rolled up in two comforters that I swear to you we had moved while looking for him. He was really angry to have his nest dismantled.
Haha! Oh, those comforter nests! Our boys hate to have theirs dismantled too.
Oh, how absolutely terrifying! We had just moved into our new house halfway across the country and lost track of our tabby boy who’d unhappily travelled with us. Scared us half to death! I mean, how do you lose a cat in an empty house? We searched the house, and the garage, and the yard, and were just preparing to scour the neighborhood for him when I lifted the air bed to look for one of my ballerina flat shoes. Yup. He was curled up asleep in the exact middle of the floor space under the air bed. *headdesk*
I had a cat go missing in a nearly empty apartment that I was moving into. I had put my desk in the living room but not set it up yet. I had the desk on the bottom of the desk and the top which overhung the side. This created a small hiding place, and there was Sai Sai.
Tip: If you find a hiding place used by one of your cats, do not let on that you know. (If you make a fuss about it, kitty is going to look for another hiding place.) After all, you probably just want to know that your cat is doing fine.
Good old Elvis. Can’t stand the ‘weather’.
What a fantastic idea! I can’t wait for the next episode.
Until then I just need to figure out how many Christmas cards to get. They’re all wonderful. I chuckle every time I see Elvis justifying his stocking of coal. Looks like his wrestling moniker should be Mommy’s Special BAD Boy.
Ha, Puck always comes to the most amusing conclusions.
It looks like Elvis is in for a grand adventure.
I see a cameo by a certain outdoor cat coming!
I would love to see Tommy arrive to save the day.
ELVIS!!! Watch out for the coyotes, the cars and dumb dogs!
I lost a cat this way, Found him in the spring under a snowpile left by a road clearing crew.
Oh, I’m so sorry, Frith
That is heartbreaking. Many hugs to you!
Love Elvis’s Afro! I hope he doesn’t stray too far…
“Judging by the glass balls and bright lights, I’d guess this fir is native to Las Vegas”
best… line… evar!
I will now refer to all snowglobes as “winter traps” and confuse everyone around me who doesn’t read BCN. Much better name for them =)
Our Max the Mighty Biscuit got out on Christmas day. Hours and hours of searching turned up not a sniff of gray fur. Finally the husband took to the road to drive up and down the streets looking for him and returned with a tiny white kitten found abandoned on the roadside. Her name is Noel and she’s been with us for 2 years. Twice the happy ending, we finally found Max hiding in a box on the porch just before the blizzard hit!
That is fabulous!!
Poofy Elvis!!!
OOOOH a BCN holiday story! What a wonderful gift – thank you!!
You’re very welcome!! I hope folks enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together! I love the holidays
Poofy Elvis!
I love that Puck thinks the tree in from Las Vegas! I am also very relieved to know this was not something Elvis actually did. I just love every one of your stories!
Love the expression on the cardinal’s face in the last panel. Oh, heck, I love everything about Breaking Cat News and always make a SQUEE noise when a new post shows up.
Yay! Thank you!
Oh Boy, a series…Can’t wait! And Kissymouse cards as well? WOW!
Elvis! Don’t doooooo it!
The so boys are indoor cats, huh? I was starting to wonder why they never went outside. We just lived that worry with Byte. Poor boy sprained his paw and refused to come near anyone. He disappeared for a few days and we were worried something had happened to him, but he came back this morning. Unfortunately, his paw’s still bad, but at least he’s okay.
They are. We live on a very busy road, (surrounded by forests filled with coyotes and fisher cats
) and when Puck and Lupin were adopted from their shelter Purrfect Pals it was with the agreement that they would be indoor only cats. Puck’s missing leg makes him a target for predators (shudder to think!) and with Lupin being deaf it would be very difficult to call him back in. So, the boys must live the indoor life, but they seem quite content with it!
We have 8 rescued kitties. The newest installment is a little kitten which it seems someone left off at our house. I think this is ANY cat owner’s or any pet owner’s worst nightmare. Just as a precaution, every door leading outside has a box of treats and a laser pointer. =^w^=
Ladies & Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building!
“Thank ya! Thankyaverymuch…”
drop mic
I just discovered this and IT IS SOOO CUTE!!!! It really shows the curious and sort of suspicious nature of cats.
so amazing
Thank you!
I’m quite looking forward to your Christmas special. This will be as good as an Advent calendar! Elvis Alone! Elvis’s Winter Wonderland Walkabout! The People Are Beside Themselves with Worry! (I know I would be.) Dare I hope that our fluffy friend Tommy will make an appearance? Oh, the shame if Elvis has to accept help from the hated “Backyard Cat”. I’m all a-tingle with excitement for the future episodes.
I can’t say too much… But I think you will be very happy!
Love the birdie too, tweet!
Another great comic. Absolutely love the plan for a Christmas Special. To be honest I’m already hoping that next year I can put a book of your comics on my Christmas wish list.
Hear, hear!
I love that last panel with Elvis’s tail all blown up. Typical kitty!! Meet the unknown and they blow up like a bottle brush, lol. Our cat Thelma is greased lightning with fur; zip thru an opening and run like hell. She will get out the least crack of the door and streak immediately to the top of the tallest tree on the block, me in hot pursuit. Then, she’d casually come down to a branch just out of reach, and look regally around, as if daring me to come up and get her. Thankfully, she can usually be coaxed down with her favorite cat treats, purring furiously. Can’t wait to see what adventures Elvis has!
We are just having an opposite problem – someone left a small cat in our yard and we’ve been trying for weeks to get her inside. She’s terribly afraid of everything and everyone. And it’s already rainy and cold and winter is coming. But food and strings and feathers are slowly starting to work, this evening it’s the second time we’ve got her to enter the house and sleep in the hallway.
Good luck! I hope she is won over soon!
Jumping in to share my cat escape story, since that seems to be the thing to do:
My crazy little gray fluffball Twilight (named so for his streaks of orange, long before that book series existed, curse you Stephanie Meyer) slipped out somehow in late January a few years back during the worst winter in decades. Not a trace of him was found, and meanwhile snowstorms came and went. We finally found him five weeks after his escape, starved to the point of jaundice, but just within the range of what my parents (two skilled veterinarians) could rehabilitate. It wasn’t easy; they had actually been taught that “a yellow cat is a dead cat”. They brought him around, and he has since long forgotten his evidently poor hunting skills and still tries to get out to chase birds from time to time. Silly kitty.
I’m so glad they were able to save him! I hope and pray none of the boys ever actually get out, I can’t imagine the worry during that time.
Oh boy. A mini-series! Downton Abbey move over!
Maybe to make you feel better about disabled kitties! Our one-eyed and mostly blind cat, Una, escaped from the house for 6 days! Despite naysayers and long nights searching every inch of the forested hillside we live on, she turned up the night I called in for work ON OUR PORCH. Suffice to say we got a belled collar and definitely don’t underestimate our little Una. (Almost a year to the day we thought she had escaped again only to discover her rolled up in the curtains and blankets by our bird cage!)
When Elvis gets really poofy, I get really happy.
my fluffy little 6 almost 7 year old mainecoon tabby luna has gotten out a couple times. never when im home, oddly enough, but a couple times she was at a relatives condo and got into the garage. the first time they took a while to get her back in… the second time they tried to spook her out from under the cars by opening the garage door and she went and hid in the bushes instead. another time, my only 1 and a haf year old bengal mix cheshire (not too long after he’d been brought to the house) had been causing her serious irritation and jealousy so she ran from the front of the house and into the back yard!! sadly she still doesnt like him very much but they’re great very goofy cats. i only lose track of luna, never cheshire (we keep a closer eye on him because hes slightly learning disabled it seems)
Loved the line about the tree being a native of Low Vegas.