Awww!!!!!! <3 This is adorable! And actually really deep. Local reporters are not the only ones moved. Great job on this strip, as always!
P.S. I have to say, Tommy's and Sophie's Woman is really taking Sophie's art in stride. I have to admire her for her cool head and for allowing Sophie to be as creative as she is even if the materials were not originally supposed to be used for art.
Love how tolerant Tommy and Sophie’s Woman is of the artist. Suggestion for keeping Sophie out of the toilet: Close the lid. Only thing that’s worked for us with some of our adventurers!
And wherever does that marvelously absorbent brand of paper towel come from? The last roll that got knocked into the sink here didn’t absorb NEARLY that much!
Wow. The artist Christy is no match for Sophie’s artwork. Sophie’s woman is so patient, just calmly re-rolling the towels. And, Sophie is actually smilng at Tommy in panel 7. I love it all, as usual.
I love this more in-depth look at a character I wasn’t feeling sure I liked. Her stand off nature left me a little cold. But here we see her relating to Tommy, whom I adore, and clearly understood by her Woman. Love it.
Question: Is Tommy looking darker? Is he getting a tan in the summer sun? Does cat hair tan?
So nice that Sophie’s patron is tolerant of her toilet art, even if not truly appreciating it!
Reminds me of the time when my oldest had just learned to walk and found a new box of kleenex in another room. When he pulled one tissue out, another popped up. So much fun! He emptied the entire box. ‘Cause they were clean and unused, I stuffed them back in. A visiting friend saw the box of stuffed-in tissues and asked “Why do you keep a box filled with dirty kleenex?”
Why does Sophie have one yellow eye and one grey eye? I’ve had eight cats in my life, and none of them ever wanted to have anything to do with toilet paper or paper towels. They love the empty cores, though.
Lack of depth perception doesn’t seem to cause Sophie any trouble. Such a talent!
I suspect most cats are performance artists, but never realized they work in mixed media. Sublime!
I’ve now given away all three of the Breaking Cat News books I purchased from Amazon: One for the cat-sitter, one for the priest who blessed our cats, and one for my mom to read to her seven rescue cats. (I’m still not sure who rescued whom.) I’ll need to buy more to satisfy all the cat lovers I know. Thank you for the beautiful book! Do you have plans for an expanded version or a sequel?
This BCN is one of the most moving things I have ever read.
I kind of like the idea that “we are all paper towels”.
I’m saving this and adding it to the things I look at when I need to find a way to pick myself and up and keep moving forward.
Thank you so much Georgia. You make the world a better place with what you do.
Thank you, Ms. Dunn, this is particularly appropriate to me right now. I AM a paper towel. Your comic is lovely, witty, smart and fun – thank you for sharing your gift with the world! I am sharing it with all my friends!
I have to say-is this a warming of relations between Tommy and Sophie ? I note that she called him Tomm, not Thomas, and almost smiled when she said “the kitchen, mostly”. Small steps, Tommy, small but significant steps.
I love her little beret, and demure sweater. Another gem !
When Sophie told Tommy she loved his Christmas tree, their relationship took a whole new turn. This is just wonderful, Georgia. Paper towels indeed. Many thanks.
Is this to help prepare us for the changes in format that are going to come to the BCN world?
Since Memorial Day is approaching, I thought I’d mention that my paternal grandmother’s name was Sophie. She passed when I was two years old, but I understand from relatives that she, too, was very artistic.
Our cats like to unravel toilet paper, but they are nowhere near as artistic as Sophie is! I think they like the empty cardboard tube more than the paper…. Speaking of which, my BCN book finally arrived on Tuesday, some 10 days late; predictably, I love every inch (er, here in Canada I should say centimetre) of it!
But does she wear it when it’s warm? She’s so prim and ladylike that I’m going to guess no. A fabulous Kentucky Derby-type hat seems much more her style.
Paper towel therapy, Perfect!! Sophie looks great in a beret and love her smile. Hang in there Tommy, she’s thawing! Lupin’s tear and “we’re all paper towels” Puck’s sweet look. Missing poor Elvis, maybe he should see Sophie for some therapy about his anxiety. This is one of your very best Georgia!!
I just returned to work after a 4 mth lay-off, at home with no computer and no easy access to one. It was such a thrill to read everything from Feb 5 up to date all at once! I love your strip and can’t wait to buy the book!!
The Evil Overlord found my pile of origami papers…. and ate them. Less art installation more moving – well, I almost moved house rather than deal with it.
Hey, November here too – but not Sagittarius, I’m a Scorpio baby, November 11th (was apparently meant to be a Samhain baby born November 1, but I stayed inside an extra 10 days {g}). But I consider the whole Month of November to be B-Day Month, right?
Oh, no!! Origami paper is hard to find where I am and ours is highly valued. I’m not sure what I’d be more upset with – the eaten paper or cleaning up the smelly results!
She’s wearing a raspberry beret! (I noticed the beret right away, but paid no attention to the color until I read it in the comments). She called him “Tommy” instead of “Thomas,” and then she SMILED at him!
I assume you have been planing this, but did you notice on Tommy’s Facebook page that in real life she relaxed on the sunlit floor very near him? Were you inspired by that or is it a case of life imitating art?
Finally, “But I don’t like change! At least not until it’s already happened, and then maybe (all right, usually).”
Sophie in a raspberry beret! Great tribute! While I admire Sophie’s artistic endeavors she should team up with my Chessie, who, when it comes to toilet paper, she can shred like Eddie Van Halen! Perhaps an installation for Christmas with garlands by Sophie and TP snow storm by Chessie? Yes, Art should have no limits!
Love it! Sophie ACTUALLY smiling! Too precious!
And it is WONDERFUL to see her being just a bit nicer/sweeter to Tommy. She even called him Tommy, not Thomas. Could our big, charming, silly floofy poof finally be winning her over???
Our little lady O’Malley is a newspaper ‘recycler’. Her technique is to shred the paper as soon as it comes into the house. Before I can read it. She also likes to carry (or try to carry) off some of my favorite Dodger objects d’atre from my work desk. Last night my Dodger Stadium replica was unceremoniously dumped on the floor.
Love the raspberry beret and my BCN book!! My artiste cat, the late Rosie, worked her nagic with toilet tissue until I finally learned to turn the roll so that the paper fed from the bottom of the roll. After she learned that she could paw the roll forever without unwinding it, she started leaving teeth marks instead.
I like how Sophie has never been interviewed, but she is now! Happy day! I got a drawing pad for my birthday (me and my brother have 2 day apart) and so, I love to draw on it! It took me about 5 minutes to figure it out…. But, I got it! And so does my brother!
Jingle Belle once climbed the shelves over the toilet and pulled down a stack of towels which ended up getting soaked in toilet water. Keep the lid down now (also there is bleach in the water and we don’t want her drinking it).
Raspberry Beret is the name of a Prince song. I think I would’ve just seen it as pink if people wouldn’t have called it raspberry; but Raspberry Beret fits perfectly, both as a tribute to Prince AND a soundtrack for Tommy’s love for Sophie She wore a raspberry beret / I think I love her Now I’m picturing Tommy in that sky/cloud suit from the music video
perfect! Wedesday 26 cats and i drove 16 hrs to a new home. Lots of change and all the mentioned responnses.sophie is perceptive. We are all paper towels indeed!
“But art should have no limits!”? So why is an artist’s choice of headgear seemingly limited to berets? Why do we not see an artist pontificating on his latest creation while wearing a baseball cap? Or a fedora or a deerstalker or a panama or a tricorne or a top hat? Why do rants like this consist of just questions?
OH MY CAT! I totally missed this strip, I dunno how! So elated to have stumbled upon it. A real delight to my otherwise completely bereft of anything imaginative day. Art SHOULD have no limits! I’m with you Beatrix.
“But Art Should Have No Limits!”
Brilliant, Georgia. Thank you.
Awww!!!!!! <3 This is adorable! And actually really deep. Local reporters are not the only ones moved. Great job on this strip, as always!
P.S. I have to say, Tommy's and Sophie's Woman is really taking Sophie's art in stride. I have to admire her for her cool head and for allowing Sophie to be as creative as she is even if the materials were not originally supposed to be used for art.
Love how tolerant Tommy and Sophie’s Woman is of the artist. Suggestion for keeping Sophie out of the toilet: Close the lid. Only thing that’s worked for us with some of our adventurers!
And wherever does that marvelously absorbent brand of paper towel come from? The last roll that got knocked into the sink here didn’t absorb NEARLY that much!
So great to see Sophie smiling!
One small typo—”outdone” is one word.
I love Lupin! “we’re all paper towels,” brilliant!
Wow. The artist Christy is no match for Sophie’s artwork. Sophie’s woman is so patient, just calmly re-rolling the towels. And, Sophie is actually smilng at Tommy in panel 7. I love it all, as usual.
One of my cats is the reason the lid must stay down on the toilet. Fortunately, he’s not also a paper thief.
Never thought of paper towels as a metaphor for life before. I now have much more respect for the humble paper towel.
OMG. You have been watching my cats!
I love this more in-depth look at a character I wasn’t feeling sure I liked. Her stand off nature left me a little cold. But here we see her relating to Tommy, whom I adore, and clearly understood by her Woman. Love it.
Question: Is Tommy looking darker? Is he getting a tan in the summer sun? Does cat hair tan?
Maybe in the one panel where he looks darker, he’s in a shadow and Sophie is in the spotlight? He would never want to take her spotlight from her.
I swear, today’s Sophie looks very closely related to a certain social-media intern who’s now working at a bookstore.
Is Elvis sleeping on the bath mat, or is he hiding on top of the drapes after being pounced by quasi-invisible Lupin?
aww the beret so cute!
Corrected, thank you! You know, it’s crazy, I had a feeling this one had something like that.
So nice that Sophie’s patron is tolerant of her toilet art, even if not truly appreciating it!
Reminds me of the time when my oldest had just learned to walk and found a new box of kleenex in another room. When he pulled one tissue out, another popped up. So much fun! He emptied the entire box. ‘Cause they were clean and unused, I stuffed them back in. A visiting friend saw the box of stuffed-in tissues and asked “Why do you keep a box filled with dirty kleenex?”
Why does Sophie have one yellow eye and one grey eye? I’ve had eight cats in my life, and none of them ever wanted to have anything to do with toilet paper or paper towels. They love the empty cores, though.
In real life and in the comic, Sophie is blind in one eye.
Who does Sophie belong to?
In real life she lives with Tommy and my friend Jackie.
Lack of depth perception doesn’t seem to cause Sophie any trouble. Such a talent!
I suspect most cats are performance artists, but never realized they work in mixed media. Sublime!
I’ve now given away all three of the Breaking Cat News books I purchased from Amazon: One for the cat-sitter, one for the priest who blessed our cats, and one for my mom to read to her seven rescue cats. (I’m still not sure who rescued whom.) I’ll need to buy more to satisfy all the cat lovers I know. Thank you for the beautiful book! Do you have plans for an expanded version or a sequel?
I would love to do a sequel, but alas, no news on that yet! Thank you so much for sharing my work with your loved ones, Jessica!!
“We’re all paper towels.” Loved seeing Lupin so profoundly moved (and also how supportive and tolerant Sophie’s woman was).
I always imagine Sophie speaking in a French accent for some reason!
Love her dress, it is so cute.
LOVE THIS!!!! I was just speaking with an art dealer this morning, and this pretty much summed up our convesation! lol!!
All cats know that “found water” is ever so much more tasty …
Aww…Sophie’s Woman is very patient and supportive.
I sure try to be with my “artistic” kitties but it’s challenging sometimes!
That is one reason my toilet stays closed!
This BCN is one of the most moving things I have ever read.
I kind of like the idea that “we are all paper towels”.
I’m saving this and adding it to the things I look at when I need to find a way to pick myself and up and keep moving forward.
Thank you so much Georgia. You make the world a better place with what you do.
Thank you, Abigail!
Sophie says Tommy instead of Thomas! Could romance be in their future?
You beat me to it!

Thank you, Ms. Dunn, this is particularly appropriate to me right now. I AM a paper towel. Your comic is lovely, witty, smart and fun – thank you for sharing your gift with the world! I am sharing it with all my friends!
Sophie called him “Tommy” instead of “Thomas!” I’m so happy! Maybe Tommy will catch her interest after all one of these days!
I have to say-is this a warming of relations between Tommy and Sophie ? I note that she called him Tomm, not Thomas, and almost smiled when she said “the kitchen, mostly”. Small steps, Tommy, small but significant steps.
I love her little beret, and demure sweater. Another gem !
if I can afford it, I would love a print of this.
Spoken like a true artist!
Sophie’s so profound. And she wears a kicky beret! What’s not to love?
Her Woman being so supportive is delightful. Would that we were all so lucky regarding our art.
When Sophie told Tommy she loved his Christmas tree, their relationship took a whole new turn. This is just wonderful, Georgia. Paper towels indeed. Many thanks.
‘Art should have no limits’ ??? You can’t do this to me. I am still trying to find time to admire the majesty of nature. Camera one?
Is this to help prepare us for the changes in format that are going to come to the BCN world?
Since Memorial Day is approaching, I thought I’d mention that my paternal grandmother’s name was Sophie. She passed when I was two years old, but I understand from relatives that she, too, was very artistic.
Our cats like to unravel toilet paper, but they are nowhere near as artistic as Sophie is! I think they like the empty cardboard tube more than the paper…. Speaking of which, my BCN book finally arrived on Tuesday, some 10 days late; predictably, I love every inch (er, here in Canada I should say centimetre) of it!
I’m so glad it is finally there! And that you like it!
Is Sophie wearing a raspberry beret? Love Sophie
Yes, she is!!! I’ve been waiting for someone to notice in the comments!
But is it the kind you buy in a second hand store :)? I think do.
But does she wear it when it’s warm? She’s so prim and ladylike that I’m going to guess no. A fabulous Kentucky Derby-type hat seems much more her style.
Paper towel therapy, Perfect!! Sophie looks great in a beret and love her smile. Hang in there Tommy, she’s thawing! Lupin’s tear and “we’re all paper towels” Puck’s sweet look. Missing poor Elvis, maybe he should see Sophie for some therapy about his anxiety. This is one of your very best Georgia!!
The toilet seat lid needs to be closed because my artist works with “water”. Never know what will end up in there if the lid is left up.
In panel seven, Sophie’s smile looks a lot like our favorite bookstore cat. Could they be related?
I just returned to work after a 4 mth lay-off, at home with no computer and no easy access to one. It was such a thrill to read everything from Feb 5 up to date all at once! I love your strip and can’t wait to buy the book!!
Yay!!! Happy return-to-work!!
We need to keep the lid closed so the smaller cat (HRH) can get up to the sink for a fresh drink of her favorite beverage.
The Evil Overlord found my pile of origami papers…. and ate them. Less art installation more moving – well, I almost moved house rather than deal with it.
That’s awesome! And my birthday is at the end of November too! (I’m the 28th!)
Yay! A fellow Sagittarius! The 23rd here.
Hey, November here too – but not Sagittarius, I’m a Scorpio baby, November 11th (was apparently meant to be a Samhain baby born November 1, but I stayed inside an extra 10 days {g}). But I consider the whole Month of November to be B-Day Month, right?
Oh, no!! Origami paper is hard to find where I am and ours is highly valued. I’m not sure what I’d be more upset with – the eaten paper or cleaning up the smelly results!
Love it! Sophie made some very important points with the roll of paper towels. She’s a very smart cat.
She’s wearing a raspberry beret! (I noticed the beret right away, but paid no attention to the color until I read it in the comments). She called him “Tommy” instead of “Thomas,” and then she SMILED at him!
I assume you have been planing this, but did you notice on Tommy’s Facebook page that in real life she relaxed on the sunlit floor very near him? Were you inspired by that or is it a case of life imitating art?
Finally, “But I don’t like change! At least not until it’s already happened, and then maybe (all right, usually).”
It was a coincidence! But she does seem to be warming up just a wee bit.
eeeeeeeeeee, i love it! “we are all papertowels” and oh gosh, sophie’s little BERET!!!!
<3 <3 <3
Sophie in a raspberry beret! Great tribute! While I admire Sophie’s artistic endeavors she should team up with my Chessie, who, when it comes to toilet paper, she can shred like Eddie Van Halen! Perhaps an installation for Christmas with garlands by Sophie and TP snow storm by Chessie? Yes, Art should have no limits!
Love this Georgia….my book arrived….love it too!
“We’re all paper towels.” That is heavy, man !! ( sixties slang for the youngsters out there)
Wow Georgia! You’ve really outdone yourself this time!
That Sophie! Glad to see her get some panel time!
Love it! Sophie ACTUALLY smiling! Too precious!
And it is WONDERFUL to see her being just a bit nicer/sweeter to Tommy. She even called him Tommy, not Thomas. Could our big, charming, silly floofy poof finally be winning her over???
Our little lady O’Malley is a newspaper ‘recycler’. Her technique is to shred the paper as soon as it comes into the house. Before I can read it. She also likes to carry (or try to carry) off some of my favorite Dodger objects d’atre from my work desk. Last night my Dodger Stadium replica was unceremoniously dumped on the floor.
Love the raspberry beret and my BCN book!! My artiste cat, the late Rosie, worked her nagic with toilet tissue until I finally learned to turn the roll so that the paper fed from the bottom of the roll. After she learned that she could paw the roll forever without unwinding it, she started leaving teeth marks instead.
Sophie’s a smart girl. It’s great to see her opening up with the boys.
today at work out of nowhere, our toilet overflowed. I blame Sophie.
I like how Sophie has never been interviewed, but she is now!
Happy day! I got a drawing pad for my birthday (me and my brother have 2 day apart) and so, I love to draw on it! It took me about 5 minutes to figure it out…. But, I got it! And so does my brother! 
Jingle Belle once climbed the shelves over the toilet and pulled down a stack of towels which ended up getting soaked in toilet water. Keep the lid down now (also there is bleach in the water and we don’t want her drinking it).
Pure 24 Carat Shiny Gold as always!
…but where’s Elvis? Still relaxing on the bathroom rug…or recovering from the Attack of the Invisible Fluffipurrus Rex?
…and could someone please clue me in as to the significance of a “raspberry” beret ?
Only thing I can guess is that it’s a Prince song title.
Sophie really should bring her installation to the Tate Modern – she’d go down a storm.
I love Tommy, too! anytime I get to see him is a treat. And adorable little Beatrix made an appearance as well.!
I Couldn’t agree more with this comic! ‘sniff’
Raspberry Beret is the name of a Prince song. I think I would’ve just seen it as pink if people wouldn’t have called it raspberry; but Raspberry Beret fits perfectly, both as a tribute to Prince AND a soundtrack for Tommy’s love for Sophie
She wore a raspberry beret / I think I love her
Now I’m picturing Tommy in that sky/cloud suit from the music video 
Came here because of this review of your book
Stayed for the great stuff.
Welcome fellow styrene maniac. I always knew a styrene addiction was a good thing.
Love the smell of airplane glue in the morning. Smells like victory!
Banansha, “Raspberry Beret” is a song by Prince.
Is there some significance to her beret being raspberry coloured? Have I missed something?
I admire Sophie’s willingness to court controversy in pursuit of her art.
Go Comics is only two strips behind,now! Should catch up this weekend.
perfect! Wedesday 26 cats and i drove 16 hrs to a new home. Lots of change and all the mentioned responnses.sophie is perceptive. We are all paper towels indeed!
The Etsy shop is open today!
I SHIP IT!!! Lol. Tommy X Sophie! Tophie? Sommy? I think that ToPhie is the best. Say I for ToPhie!
Then again… Burtie would be adorable. Burt and Sophie… Nah, ToPhie is still the best.
“But art should have no limits!”? So why is an artist’s choice of headgear seemingly limited to berets? Why do we not see an artist pontificating on his latest creation while wearing a baseball cap? Or a fedora or a deerstalker or a panama or a tricorne or a top hat? Why do rants like this consist of just questions?
OH MY CAT! I totally missed this strip, I dunno how!
So elated to have stumbled upon it. A real delight to my otherwise completely bereft of anything imaginative day.
Art SHOULD have no limits! I’m with you Beatrix.
Am I the only one with a huge black rectangle blocking this comic?
…omc, on a reread, I just noticed that Pucky’s looking down at his missing foot! I love seeing hints at upcoming strips!