OK, I get Calvin and Hobbes, & Phoebe and her Unicorn… but which one is the cows, bugs, and aliens one? Is that supposed to be Far Side? (It’s been so long since I read a paper, I have no idea what they’re running anymore! (
Also, I love the thought of kitties (and Buzz Mouse!) reading the comics with koffee & kibble.
This reminds me so much of my teens…the only one unhappy was our family dog. He wanted a walk but we were intent on reading. In desperation he snatched a loose sheet of newsprint and ran with my brothers after him! I grabbed his leash and the crisis was averted. (That page was required for a school project.) Had we had a cat instead, the cat, of course, would have been stretched out on the paper! I’m delighted to have you back. I hope your move etc went smoothly.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow! You’re only a day away!
So incredibly happy to be back to getting my morning dose of the boys. I can now get back to my favorite way to start my day… Grab phone, check the time/silence alarm, open browser, hit BCN bookmark. *contented sigh*
I love that my sweet little Pucky is having a tea and made sure to have Buzzy Mouse by his side. And frankly his excitement about the unicorn report warms my heart.
Congratulations again on the papersame launching tomorrow, Georgia. You have worked so hard for this and I am THRILLED to see your efforts paying off. May this be the beginning of a long and wonderful adventure!
Wait…there’s no robber mice stealing pages of the comics? Yeah, might have been too busy–but the relaxed look of the boys is terrific! Love Puck munching kibble while he reads–can’t wait for tomorrow!!!
So happy for you and the family, Georgia!!! Unfortunately our paper is probably too tiny to carry BCN, *le sigh* so I’m wondering if you’ll still be updating either here or on Go Comics??? *blinks wistfully*
The site still slows down quite a bit from traffic, and the technical difficulties are overwhelming for me. To return on Saturday I was up until about 3:30 am tweaking with the resolution of the strip–I’m not a computer person. I’m relieved a site with actual tech people and proper servers can post the comic, rather than struggle with trying to figure it out here and messing it up all the time. The technical difficulties have been here since the beginning, having someone else do it for me takes a lot of the weight off my shoulders–I’ll literally be able to sleep at night, instead of tinkering until all hours of the night and waking up to annoyed emails that the comic is late or loaded wrong.
Unfortunately, GoComics often has just a blank page instead of a comic for BCN, so even though I generally read there, I’d love to have a backup here… plus the community!
If you can’t, I guess I’ll just have to remember to go to the GC website on those days I can’t see it in the app *g*
Georgia, even though you’ll have a link here to the Go comics page, are you going to post your daily strips here too – or as a batch once a week here? I’d love to continue using your site here. And I’m sorry to say but I haven’t picked up a print newspaper in years and don’t plan to either. Hate the waste in papers. We’ve gone totally paper-free except for art work, children’s and beloved cartoon books and some large reference works.
I’m with Kevin McB – love this strip, glad you’re apparently breaking into print (unless that’s just a story line). I read the first two on line. But cows, bugs, and aliens?
Mere words cannot express my joy. I’m so happy for you, Georgia (and the staff of BCN, of course!) I am also deeply grateful for your success for a purely selfish reason: BCN lights up my life. I read it every day, and I always save it for last because it is the best. I know that no matter what is going on in my life, good, bad, or indifferent, BCN will make me feel better.
Now, before I get maudlin, I simply must go and do a happy dance!
“WOW, extraordinary change in line work, color, & composition. Should do well in any publication. Having followed syndicated carton strips as they evolved through many decades, I have great appreciation for the work Georgia has done. However the long story arcs of the past have great potential for book publications.” Posted on GoComics
So glad to again receive BCN from your website Georgia. Missed the comments from people who followed you in the beginning.
Congratulations on such remarkable changes to gain syndication. Love how little details are clearer.
Wishing best of luck for tommorrow – how exciting! In the meantime watching Midsomer Murder (again) with a cuppa and biccies – guaranteed to calm the nerves
I am so excited for tomorrow. I hope one of the papers in my area carries BCN but, if not, I have promised myself that I will sing up for an e-edition of a paper that is carrying it (and informing them that the only reason I am getting their paper is because they had the good taste and sense to get BCN!)
I have also treated myself to pre-ordering the BCN calendar Amazon. I was waiting for a special occasion and I figure Day Before Launch Day counts!!!
This one takes me back to my childhood. I was one of the lucky kids who had parents who read to me. I always looked forward to Sunday mornings because it meant the delivery of the full color “funny papers” in the two local newspapers. While we were still in our jammies, my dad would read the comics to me while my mom made waffles. Good memories!
Wait, “Cows, bugs and aliens,” is “The Far Side?” My first thought was either “Bizarro” or “Non-Sequittor.” Both great strips and both run on GoComics AND my old hometown paper (the former on weekdays\Sat and the latter on Sunday). I doubt said paper will carry BCN because it is too small of an audience. Also, since you said you are posting new profiles for the reporters on Monday, does that mean the entire cast gets new profiles here and on GoComics (which still lists the child as the baby and doesn’t have the new toddler at all)? Thanx, and con-CAT-ulations on getting into print.
Yay! It’s here! (Almost). Is it midnight yet? Maybe it will post early. I’ll keep checking GC (and here too. I prefer commenting here. Hopefully that will still be possible).
i second the comment that the last scene should be a print. would make a great jammi top also.
so sweet the whole thing. buzz the mouse..jammies on..laying on thier tummies ..nibbles to nibble on..hot drinks. and the fact that the sunday comics are the news…loving that little touch.
read your blog. your hubby and you.. a perfect fit for each other.
love how you both work together in one space yet in your own place. enjoyed hearing about your kids nature walk. with all that you have going on thanks for writing your blog as well. its much appreciated.
just so darn excited for you all. your kitties will be famous.
Welcome! I am looking forward to finally reading daily “Breaking Cat News” in the Newspaper along with my other favorite, “The Phantom, the ghost who walks”. And I look forward to your next Breaking Cat News Book Collection! Yah!!!
Congratulations on the syndication Georgia! I envy everyone that gets their daily paper today, opens it up, and there is your beautiful comic displayed in the Comics section for all the world to read! How exciting! It’s made my day to read the new strips. I love seeing the cat’s pyjamas! haha! And their cheeky remarks on the “reports” shown in the daily funnies. The way they’re sprawled out on the floor with all the comic pages between them . . it so reminds me of when I was a kid and my brother and I would spend the morning eagerly perusing the comics and fighting over who got which page first.
Ohhhhh . . . so we can’t comment on the new strips here anymore?
It’s okay with that’s the case, I mean, I comment on GoComics all the time and we have our little community there, too . . . but this place is special. You know?
Georgia, I was thinking about you last night when I saw that the Hallmark channel had a mystery AT A BAKING CONTEST !!! Clearly the universe wanted you and The Man to relax together and be distracted.
We are all so glad that you managed to hang in there, and so proud of your long overdue success. Love the new strips, love the color, a little anxious over the expansion of “our” little universe but it will be fine.
… would it be possible to post the new strips here, in between this strip and the ‘welcome to BCN, now go to GoComics’ strip,
maybe a day after they appear there? To maintain continuity here, and if they’re delayed even a day you probably won’t get those server overloads, and it’d let the commentariat have their local salon here still…
Hello Dave! As of right now, no. I had mixed feelings myself and then on Saturday I was up until around 3:30am trying to fix the resolution on a strip that was not posting right and Sunday night I was up until almost 2am trying to put that “Today’s Broadcast” button up. (For some reason, a WordPress plug in randomly shut me out. Until we found that quirk on a message board and deleted it, it was impossible to add anything). After that, I was at peace. I have a three year old and a one year old, I need to be up early and mentally present and healthy for them in the morning.
I’m not a computer person. From the beginning the strip has regularly been late, posted at the wrong size or not at all. The feeling of waking up in the morning to inboxes full of annoyed/angry emails looking for a misposted strip is terrible. Every time I post a new strip, I worry I didn’t do it right. I’m very relieved that there is a site now with enough servers and a tech team.
Some people love computers and working with computers, and that’s great! I’m just not one of them. I feel grateful I was able to cobble these posts together this long, it got increasingly more difficult and it was very frustrating.
I dont know how i found BCN, but it is easily my favorite comic strip since calvin and hobbes. Georgia you have a fan for life with my wife and I. How can we get a BCN original sketch for our collection?
I am so glad you and your wife love the strip, and that you read the archives so quickly! That in itself is one of the best compliments a cartoonist can receive, THANK YOU! I have been trying to offer commissions a little more regularly (trying! It is a little hard between my kiddos and the comic) and I hope to give some sketches away from time to time on my studio Facebook or Twitter.
Once again, I’m late to the party. Oh well. Hello, Georgia. I just want to say that I found a couple of your comic strips last week on a compilation of cat cartoons a friend posted on facebook. Out of the 3 or 4 there, I found BCN to be wonderful. I Googled it because there was obviously some cat-awesomeness out there that I had been missing. That’s when I came across your wonderful webcomic on this site. I archive-binged them all in a day or two and loved every one. It’s very obvious you have cats and are aware of their individual quirks and personalities.
I immediately informed several people to check out this awesome comic, found and ordered your book on Amazon, and started reading them all again from the beginning. This time checking out the comments. Obviously, this read took me a little longer, but I felt like I got to know you a little bit by your posts and comments and has made me feel more invested in BCN. I’m very excited that this strip has been picked up by newspapers. Congrats!! I also hope that my going and creating an account on the gocomic site and subscribing to BCN there helps in a small way.
Perhaps one of the reasons I fell in love with your strip so quickly is that, well, A, I’m a cat person. But also because Elvis reminds me so much of my own Siamese, Sonia. She’s getting old though and really just loves sitting on my lap when she’s not threatening Zapp for getting too close to her. (And I LOVE poofed-up Elvis and when he used to yell at Tommy to get out of the yard) And then I also have a black cat, Rachel. She shares a lot of characteristics with Puck. Zapp is my youngster. He’s a large gray Tabby and is absolutely best friends with Rachel. When he tries to be friendly with Sonia, she rebuffs him and he backs down. Zapp reminds me of Tommy, but he’s more skittish. Not having Tommy’s outdoor experiences, I’m sure.
I need to get back to work, but I just wanted to drop you a message to let you know I’m in love with your work and your cats. I hope you’ll stay in newspapers and online for many years to come!
Oh my gosh… I’m late! I feel so bad, because I’m just so happy! That doesn’t even make sense, but it’s true! Congratulations and I can’t wait to see more of these amazing comics! I’ll go tell Smores?
Just a quick suggestion: Yes, you are too busy and not a techie, but you do have a wonderful fan base. Why not pick one or two to convert this site to a fan club format and let them weed out the trolls. You could maintain ownership and control but let someone else do the grunt work. Your work, no matter how many times I read it, makes me smile. Just ordered two BCN bags from Zazzle. Shopping fools like me is another reason not to let this group slip away.
Thank you, Pat. Between taking care of the kids and writing the comic, managing anyone would be tough. And I did do that a few years back with another webcomic I had, and the person who helped to manage it and wrote some of the HTML scripts for it fell out with another person working on it for personal reasons, and stepped back… But had already changed enough of the scripts that the entire thing came down and had to be put back together later. After that experience, I would not do that again. Imagine if that had been Breaking Cat News and one day People came to this address and the whole thing was gone.
This site exists to hold the archives, pages about some of the real cats, and the original comment threads on posts. I hope to maybe add more to the freebies page one day too. I’ve never been a tech person. I don’t want to manage anyone or have to worry about a website. I want to write and draw the comic, that is challenging enough with two small children. All of the original posts still allow comments, and I do still regularly monitor the comments. If fans want to create a fan site, that would be amazing! I just don’t know how to put that together myself even with help, and I want my focus to be my children and writing the comic. Maybe something will change in the future, ?but right now I’ve weathered some huge changes and I’ve just got to ride them out and not add anything else to my plate. Thank you for understanding, I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer on this, but this is the sane answer for me to be able to balance everything out.
Hey Georgia! I’ve been following BCN for awhile and I am so excited that you made the newspapers. I know you’ve worked hard and really dedicated yourself, even though you’ve been busy with “life.” I imagine it wasn’t easy. Thank you for your work in creating something that has given me many smiles and laughs. Thanks!
Georgia, this isn’t really for everyone but I wanted to pass on a problem with a tote I got from Zazzle. They tried twice but the jar of Christmas lights wording is not dark enough to read easily. The first one was so pale that I only knew what it was because I ordered it. I am keeping the second one and still cherish the sentiment, but you might need to work with Zazzle to make that one come out better.
That said, love your old stuff, love your new stuff, and I adore all the fan art, as well.
Keep smiling.
So happy to hear that the Hemmingway House and the 55 polydactyl kitties who live there safely weathered the hurricane. I miss the youngest member of the BCN crew and look forward to the day she makes her appearance in the new strips!
I found BCN on Go Comics because Georgia posted on another comic I read and said she liked the art for that day (a few months ago). I never came over here until Friday (a couple days ago). Since then, I’ve read all the archives and I’m now all caught up! Someone else said it, too (maybe a few someones). But this is the best comic I’ve read since Calvin and Hobbes. I actually like it more, because there are new ones still to come! Thank you.
OK, I get Calvin and Hobbes, & Phoebe and her Unicorn… but which one is the cows, bugs, and aliens one? Is that supposed to be Far Side? (It’s been so long since I read a paper, I have no idea what they’re running anymore! (
Also, I love the thought of kitties (and Buzz Mouse!) reading the comics with koffee & kibble.
Yes! I meant that one to be Far Side! I like to think that Elvis probably sees it as a very accurate conspiracy theory report, ha!
Haha, that’s great! I wonder what they (especially Lupin) think about Business Cat.
This is so sweet. Sunday morning in their jammies reading the comics.
**Too busy reading the BCN news crew report to comment
Too beautiful for words….
Thank you, Chef Hom!!
This reminds me so much of my teens…the only one unhappy was our family dog. He wanted a walk but we were intent on reading. In desperation he snatched a loose sheet of newsprint and ran with my brothers after him! I grabbed his leash and the crisis was averted. (That page was required for a school project.) Had we had a cat instead, the cat, of course, would have been stretched out on the paper! I’m delighted to have you back. I hope your move etc went smoothly.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow! You’re only a day away!
So incredibly happy to be back to getting my morning dose of the boys. I can now get back to my favorite way to start my day… Grab phone, check the time/silence alarm, open browser, hit BCN bookmark. *contented sigh*
I love that my sweet little Pucky is having a tea and made sure to have Buzzy Mouse by his side. And frankly his excitement about the unicorn report warms my heart.
Congratulations again on the papersame launching tomorrow, Georgia. You have worked so hard for this and I am THRILLED to see your efforts paying off. May this be the beginning of a long and wonderful adventure!
Thank you!!
I am so excited! Today feels a bit like Christmas Eve to me!
We’re all excited about it, Picky.
Oh my cat! It’s finally here. Yay . Well, ALMOST here. Congrats, Georgia
Wait…there’s no robber mice stealing pages of the comics? Yeah, might have been too busy–but the relaxed look of the boys is terrific! Love Puck munching kibble while he reads–can’t wait for tomorrow!!!
So happy. Can’t wait till tomorrow. Love the boys pajamas. So cute.
Congratulations Georgia.
Woo hoo! At long last BCN hits the big time! Can a network newscast (newscats) be far behind??
Awesome. This s so Great!
So happy for you and the family, Georgia!!! Unfortunately our paper is probably too tiny to carry BCN, *le sigh* so I’m wondering if you’ll still be updating either here or on Go Comics??? *blinks wistfully*
GoComics will still be updating, and we’re going to create a link here to the daily comic there!
Wait,so new comics won’t be posted here anymore soon?
The site still slows down quite a bit from traffic, and the technical difficulties are overwhelming for me. To return on Saturday I was up until about 3:30 am tweaking with the resolution of the strip–I’m not a computer person. I’m relieved a site with actual tech people and proper servers can post the comic, rather than struggle with trying to figure it out here and messing it up all the time. The technical difficulties have been here since the beginning, having someone else do it for me takes a lot of the weight off my shoulders–I’ll literally be able to sleep at night, instead of tinkering until all hours of the night and waking up to annoyed emails that the comic is late or loaded wrong.
Unfortunately, GoComics often has just a blank page instead of a comic for BCN, so even though I generally read there, I’d love to have a backup here… plus the community!
If you can’t, I guess I’ll just have to remember to go to the GC website on those days I can’t see it in the app *g*
I understand, and your sleep and your health are of primary important. And still, oh how I miss the community here.
Georgia, even though you’ll have a link here to the Go comics page, are you going to post your daily strips here too – or as a batch once a week here? I’d love to continue using your site here. And I’m sorry to say but I haven’t picked up a print newspaper in years and don’t plan to either. Hate the waste in papers. We’ve gone totally paper-free except for art work, children’s and beloved cartoon
books and some large reference works.
Yay!!! Thank you so much, Georgia. I will bookmark the Go Comics website, so very glad I won’t miss any BCN.
Love the boys hanging out in their bathrobes. Congratulations on your new adventure!
I’m with Kevin McB – love this strip, glad you’re apparently breaking into print (unless that’s just a story line). I read the first two on line. But cows, bugs, and aliens?
And reading in their jammies and robes. I’d love to put my babies in pajamas and robes. These guys are so cute, I could squeeze them.
A big day tomorrow for you and the boys-congrats!
I can really see that the art in this series has gotten better.
Please tell me that last panel will become a print… so cute!
As If the boys couldn’t get any more charming, they are in their pj’s!
Mere words cannot express my joy. I’m so happy for you, Georgia (and the staff of BCN, of course!) I am also deeply grateful for your success for a purely selfish reason: BCN lights up my life. I read it every day, and I always save it for last because it is the best. I know that no matter what is going on in my life, good, bad, or indifferent, BCN will make me feel better.
Now, before I get maudlin, I simply must go and do a happy dance!
CONGRATULATIONS! I hope to see everyone in my local paper, but so glad to have you back here :). We love the boy and tiger report, too–and coffee!
“WOW, extraordinary change in line work, color, & composition. Should do well in any publication. Having followed syndicated carton strips as they evolved through many decades, I have great appreciation for the work Georgia has done. However the long story arcs of the past have great potential for book publications.” Posted on GoComics
So glad to again receive BCN from your website Georgia. Missed the comments from people who followed you in the beginning.
Congratulations on such remarkable changes to gain syndication. Love how little details are clearer.
Wishing best of luck for tommorrow – how exciting! In the meantime watching Midsomer Murder (again) with a cuppa and biccies – guaranteed to calm the nerves
I enjoy the reference to Phoebe and her Unicorn. Really looking forward to new comics but the old ones are so special!
I am so excited for tomorrow. I hope one of the papers in my area carries BCN but, if not, I have promised myself that I will sing up for an e-edition of a paper that is carrying it (and informing them that the only reason I am getting their paper is because they had the good taste and sense to get BCN!)
I have also treated myself to pre-ordering the BCN calendar Amazon. I was waiting for a special occasion and I figure Day Before Launch Day counts!!!
Can’t wait! I’m so excited for you, Georgia! Love to the boys, finally getting their newspaper debut as print journalists!
This one takes me back to my childhood. I was one of the lucky kids who had parents who read to me. I always looked forward to Sunday mornings because it meant the delivery of the full color “funny papers” in the two local newspapers. While we were still in our jammies, my dad would read the comics to me while my mom made waffles. Good memories!
Wait, “Cows, bugs and aliens,” is “The Far Side?” My first thought was either “Bizarro” or “Non-Sequittor.” Both great strips and both run on GoComics AND my old hometown paper (the former on weekdays\Sat and the latter on Sunday). I doubt said paper will carry BCN because it is too small of an audience. Also, since you said you are posting new profiles for the reporters on Monday, does that mean the entire cast gets new profiles here and on GoComics (which still lists the child as the baby and doesn’t have the new toddler at all)? Thanx, and con-CAT-ulations on getting into print.
Lupin I’m so excited for you!
Yay! It’s here! (Almost). Is it midnight yet? Maybe it will post early. I’ll keep checking GC (and here too. I prefer commenting here. Hopefully that will still be possible).
i second the comment that the last scene should be a print. would make a great jammi top also.
so sweet the whole thing. buzz the mouse..jammies on..laying on thier tummies ..nibbles to nibble on..hot drinks. and the fact that the sunday comics are the news…loving that little touch.
read your blog. your hubby and you.. a perfect fit for each other.
love how you both work together in one space yet in your own place. enjoyed hearing about your kids nature walk. with all that you have going on thanks for writing your blog as well. its much appreciated.
just so darn excited for you all. your kitties will be famous.
I would love to have a pair of BCN jammies.
Welcome! I am looking forward to finally reading daily “Breaking Cat News” in the Newspaper along with my other favorite, “The Phantom, the ghost who walks”. And I look forward to your next Breaking Cat News Book Collection! Yah!!!
Congratulations on the syndication Georgia! I envy everyone that gets their daily paper today, opens it up, and there is your beautiful comic displayed in the Comics section for all the world to read!
How exciting! It’s made my day to read the new strips. I love seeing the cat’s pyjamas! haha! And their cheeky remarks on the “reports” shown in the daily funnies. The way they’re sprawled out on the floor with all the comic pages between them . . it so reminds me of when I was a kid and my brother and I would spend the morning eagerly perusing the comics and fighting over who got which page first. 
I so want a poster of that last panel.
Ohhhhh . . . so we can’t comment on the new strips here anymore?

It’s okay with that’s the case, I mean, I comment on GoComics all the time and we have our little community there, too . . . but this place is special. You know?
I agree . . . this spot has been special.
Georgia, I was thinking about you last night when I saw that the Hallmark channel had a mystery AT A BAKING CONTEST !!! Clearly the universe wanted you and The Man to relax together and be distracted.
We are all so glad that you managed to hang in there, and so proud of your long overdue success. Love the new strips, love the color, a little anxious over the expansion of “our” little universe but it will be fine.
Kevin McB, try a different browser. That worked for me.
I’m going to miss the comments. We have a community here….
Hi, Jenny. Very true!
We can still come back here and chat, correct? This could become the Cat News discussion platform – as if it already were not.
… would it be possible to post the new strips here, in between this strip and the ‘welcome to BCN, now go to GoComics’ strip,
maybe a day after they appear there? To maintain continuity here, and if they’re delayed even a day you probably won’t get those server overloads, and it’d let the commentariat have their local salon here still…
–Dave, who doesn’t wanna see your site waste away
Hello Dave! As of right now, no. I had mixed feelings myself and then on Saturday I was up until around 3:30am trying to fix the resolution on a strip that was not posting right and Sunday night I was up until almost 2am trying to put that “Today’s Broadcast” button up. (For some reason, a WordPress plug in randomly shut me out. Until we found that quirk on a message board and deleted it, it was impossible to add anything). After that, I was at peace. I have a three year old and a one year old, I need to be up early and mentally present and healthy for them in the morning.
I’m not a computer person. From the beginning the strip has regularly been late, posted at the wrong size or not at all. The feeling of waking up in the morning to inboxes full of annoyed/angry emails looking for a misposted strip is terrible. Every time I post a new strip, I worry I didn’t do it right. I’m very relieved that there is a site now with enough servers and a tech team.
Some people love computers and working with computers, and that’s great! I’m just not one of them. I feel grateful I was able to cobble these posts together this long, it got increasingly more difficult and it was very frustrating.
I dont know how i found BCN, but it is easily my favorite comic strip since calvin and hobbes. Georgia you have a fan for life with my wife and I. How can we get a BCN original sketch for our collection?
Forgot to mention, i found the strip a week ago and devoured the archives in just that time. Its that good
Thank you, John!!
I am so glad you and your wife love the strip, and that you read the archives so quickly! That in itself is one of the best compliments a cartoonist can receive, THANK YOU! I have been trying to offer commissions a little more regularly (trying! It is a little hard between my kiddos and the comic) and I hope to give some sketches away from time to time on my studio Facebook or Twitter.
Once again, I’m late to the party. Oh well. Hello, Georgia. I just want to say that I found a couple of your comic strips last week on a compilation of cat cartoons a friend posted on facebook. Out of the 3 or 4 there, I found BCN to be wonderful. I Googled it because there was obviously some cat-awesomeness out there that I had been missing. That’s when I came across your wonderful webcomic on this site. I archive-binged them all in a day or two and loved every one. It’s very obvious you have cats and are aware of their individual quirks and personalities.
I immediately informed several people to check out this awesome comic, found and ordered your book on Amazon, and started reading them all again from the beginning. This time checking out the comments. Obviously, this read took me a little longer, but I felt like I got to know you a little bit by your posts and comments and has made me feel more invested in BCN. I’m very excited that this strip has been picked up by newspapers. Congrats!! I also hope that my going and creating an account on the gocomic site and subscribing to BCN there helps in a small way.
Perhaps one of the reasons I fell in love with your strip so quickly is that, well, A, I’m a cat person. But also because Elvis reminds me so much of my own Siamese, Sonia. She’s getting old though and really just loves sitting on my lap when she’s not threatening Zapp for getting too close to her. (And I LOVE poofed-up Elvis and when he used to yell at Tommy to get out of the yard) And then I also have a black cat, Rachel. She shares a lot of characteristics with Puck. Zapp is my youngster. He’s a large gray Tabby and is absolutely best friends with Rachel. When he tries to be friendly with Sonia, she rebuffs him and he backs down. Zapp reminds me of Tommy, but he’s more skittish. Not having Tommy’s outdoor experiences, I’m sure.
I need to get back to work, but I just wanted to drop you a message to let you know I’m in love with your work and your cats. I hope you’ll stay in newspapers and online for many years to come!
Thank you so much, Christina!! This was so nice to read, thank you for your kind words!
Oh my gosh… I’m late! I feel so bad, because I’m just so happy! That doesn’t even make sense, but it’s true! Congratulations and I can’t wait to see more of these amazing comics! I’ll go tell Smores?
Yay!! Thank you!!
You’re so welcome! I absolutely love your strip and wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Just a quick suggestion: Yes, you are too busy and not a techie, but you do have a wonderful fan base. Why not pick one or two to convert this site to a fan club format and let them weed out the trolls. You could maintain ownership and control but let someone else do the grunt work. Your work, no matter how many times I read it, makes me smile. Just ordered two BCN bags from Zazzle. Shopping fools like me is another reason not to let this group slip away.
Thank you, Pat. Between taking care of the kids and writing the comic, managing anyone would be tough. And I did do that a few years back with another webcomic I had, and the person who helped to manage it and wrote some of the HTML scripts for it fell out with another person working on it for personal reasons, and stepped back… But had already changed enough of the scripts that the entire thing came down and had to be put back together later. After that experience, I would not do that again. Imagine if that had been Breaking Cat News and one day People came to this address and the whole thing was gone.
This site exists to hold the archives, pages about some of the real cats, and the original comment threads on posts. I hope to maybe add more to the freebies page one day too. I’ve never been a tech person. I don’t want to manage anyone or have to worry about a website. I want to write and draw the comic, that is challenging enough with two small children. All of the original posts still allow comments, and I do still regularly monitor the comments. If fans want to create a fan site, that would be amazing! I just don’t know how to put that together myself even with help, and I want my focus to be my children and writing the comic. Maybe something will change in the future, ?but right now I’ve weathered some huge changes and I’ve just got to ride them out and not add anything else to my plate. Thank you for understanding, I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer on this, but this is the sane answer for me to be able to balance everything out.
There is no better answer than an honest answer. Keep smiling. It’ll make your fellow peeps happy and drive the trolls nuts.
Thank you, Pat! I like that!
Hey Georgia! I’ve been following BCN for awhile and I am so excited that you made the newspapers. I know you’ve worked hard and really dedicated yourself, even though you’ve been busy with “life.” I imagine it wasn’t easy. Thank you for your work in creating something that has given me many smiles and laughs. Thanks!
Thank you, Mary!!
So glad to see this website back up–I’ve missed being able to get randomized old cartoons!
Georgia, this isn’t really for everyone but I wanted to pass on a problem with a tote I got from Zazzle. They tried twice but the jar of Christmas lights wording is not dark enough to read easily. The first one was so pale that I only knew what it was because I ordered it. I am keeping the second one and still cherish the sentiment, but you might need to work with Zazzle to make that one come out better.
That said, love your old stuff, love your new stuff, and I adore all the fan art, as well.
Keep smiling.
Thank you Pat for letting me know that! I apologize for the issue, and I will try to get the text on that tote to be darker/easier to read!
Thank you for leaving this site up. I come here frequently to overcome the harsh news of the day. The boys and company always make me smile.
So happy to hear that the Hemmingway House and the 55 polydactyl kitties who live there safely weathered the hurricane. I miss the youngest member of the BCN crew and look forward to the day she makes her appearance in the new strips!
So cute! <3
The Past Reports button no longer lets me select a specific strip from the archive. I wanted to read about Bea’s introduction.
I found BCN on Go Comics because Georgia posted on another comic I read and said she liked the art for that day (a few months ago). I never came over here until Friday (a couple days ago). Since then, I’ve read all the archives and I’m now all caught up! Someone else said it, too (maybe a few someones). But this is the best comic I’ve read since Calvin and Hobbes. I actually like it more, because there are new ones still to come! Thank you.
Thank you so much, Gus! That is high praise, I’m honored!