The tiny picture is the golden mouse. I saw Georgia say on twitter it was going to be in today’s strip and it was in one other already. I went back to the Wicket story line and if you enlarge this one you can see it is the same.
Just saying…for the past two mornings your new strips have not appeared on Instead they appear to be re-running your first Christmas special again.
Thank you–I hate to say that is a mess up on my end. For some reason my laptop has been loading things a bit funny. I’m relieved that the strip will be 6-8 weeks ahead when we return in March, and I won’t have to try and mess around with my ancient laptop daily. I’ve never attempted full sized daily strips before (I am painting and posting these nightly) and unfortunately, I can’t get it right every time. For some reason I uploaded the file wrong, and as it is the middle of the night, I now am waiting it out until I can get it corrected tomorrow. :/
Well, it is nice to see Elvis and Tommy become BFFs all over again. When I need a lift, I always go back and look at the panel of Tommy and his Woman hugging and kneading each other once he’s found again.
It’s OK Georgia. I’m sure everyone understands and will be patient. After all, we have the backup on the BCN web site. I do love this story. It’s fun, imaginative and delightful. It’s the perfect comic strip for people to get their minds off the hectic holiday season.
ROTFL! Is that supposed to be “Jesus” as a cat in the picture over Father O’Kittery’s bureau with the melting candles? He looks like a chubby Elvis, and of course, he’s a good boy! I love it! Nice of Father O’Kittery to use a life up for Kit. Elvis is definitely warming up to Kit Chase. And shame on Ebenezer Taggert having stole Father O’Kittery’s true love and being mercilessly cruel at Christmas. *tsk tsk*
Did not see that coming. Poor Smores, her heart will be broken!
*Smores attacks the girl’s foot*
Guess she didn’t like Kit like that then. Whoops.
That’s okay, Georgia. I’m enjoying the new one, and the Tommy story is all my all time favorite. So, it’s like two gifts in one! If your next book going to catch us in time to the Tommy Christmas story.
I am so happy about your syndication deal; I could just burst with pride for be you. Yours is a wonderful talent. You are not only a gifted artist, but you have a great sense of humor, and the gift to breath adorable lives into my very favorite characters (and animals). May you have a merry Christmas and may your next year be shiny and bright
We love your strip,, and we can be patient with the odd repeated episode. We hope that your solstice is happy and healthy, and that it won’t be all repeated episodes until March! We’ll keep reading anyway, whatever happens.
OK folks, how many people have an inner voice speaking before each strip, ” Like sands through the hourglass, these are our IX Lives”
Thank you Georgia, I found this strip with the Tommy Xmas special. And this is the best present I can imagine.
Merry Christmas everyone.
And a Happy New Year.
is that a picture of the Golden Mouse on the altar? Next special should be Snowball Taggert’s infomercial on “How to Win Friends & Influence Cats”. Elvis, you would be appalled if you could see how into this soap you’ve become. Hopefully Natasha took a picture so you won’t be able to deny it. Will my Lupin make an appearance, I hope, I hope, I hope?
Oho! Snowball goes back a ways with Father O’Kittery. The plot gets even thicker. Of course, “Our IX Lives” is a soap, so how can any of this be truly resolved?
Will the Taggart sisters arrive before Snowball and the Padre get too poofy? Will Bandit reappear from Laundry Canyon? And…what of The One Dress?
Sounds like you need an assistant–maybe Beatrix can help! : ) No worries–we can find you! I don’t watch any soaps, but I think I might be getting hooked on this one. : ) Thank you for all of your had work! You are incredibly talented, and a blessing to so many! I hope you and your whole family (including the furry ones of course!) have the Merriest Christmas and Happiest New Year ever! : )
GEORGIA: keep it this way so we can enjoy the TOMMY story on Gocomics and Our Nine Lives on this sight! Two stories are always better than one (besides I loved the Elvis/Tommy story) Merry Christmas and God bless you, your family and the furballs!
That is so odd, because on the gocomics app, the current Christmas special has been running just fine!
Loving this, Georgia! I knew Elvis would get into the show!! Father O’Kittery is an awesome name. I may have to use it one day, should we ever bring home another male kitty!
And of course I posted that before heading to the gocomics app today! Yesterday and days before that, it was on this special, but yep…today it is on an older strip.
Hope they get it figured out!
Georgia, if the comic isn’t on (like it was this morning for me), I just come here and check out the daily strip. I’m not saying that everybody who is noting that it’s not the current comic is upset, but the ones who could be upset should know that they only have to come here to see it. The bummer of the thing is that after Our IX Lives is over in a few “episodes”, we will have to wait until March for new ones. But that’s okay with me. I can live with another three months of reruns. It’s just like watching reruns of Law & Order on TNT. You’ve seen the episode before, but you watch it again because, who knows, there might be something you missed the first time around or perhaps forget how it ends. We will be here waiting patiently until that date arrives. We = me and all the loyal fans of yours. The ones who complain about the reruns aren’t the loyal ones or they would know your situation.
Happy Holidays to you and your entire family…two-legged, three-legged, and four-legged!!
My goodness, you put so much talent and imagination into these comic works of art, and then are victimized by technology like those of us with much less talent and imagination – give yourself a break! Those of us at can Jane Jetson a few buttons on the keyboard to find the updated ones here, happily, cheerfully, and gratefully, and without negative vibes. (Those who can’t – lumps of coal for you!) Hope you and all the family have a RESTFUL, beautiful Christmas and New Year!
Georgia, this series is fantastic. BCN just gets better and better (and better . . .). Loved the texts between Beatrix and Natasha in the last installment. And you are so good at capturing the tone of soaps (“Snowball Taggart? Married my one true love and forced me into the priesthood Snowball Taggart?”). Have a wonderful holiday with The Man, The Toddler, The Baby, and of course the Boys. xo
Today’s depiction of “Cat” is based on the Siamese cat we had when I was growing up. He was a great big fat sweetheart, and he lived to be 17! He was the smartest cat I’ve ever encountered, and I still miss him like crazy. His name was Roscoe and he was, and will always be, a good boy. I’ve wanted to find a way to work him into the comic for sometime, and this seemed like a sweet way to honor him. I thought you all might like to know who that sweet fat little fuzzball is!
(And yes, the other picture is the Golden Mouse! She appeared one other time in this special )
I love the fact that you paid tribute to your kitty this way. Such a wonderful way to honor your Roscoe.
And I love how you slipped the Golden Mouse into episode five. Very creative (and adorable)!
Now I completely want you to put out Golden Mouse Dashboard Cards, you do realize this, right?
(Seriously, if you Zazzle it, they will sell…)
Yes, yes, YES!!! Please make it happen!!! My ride needs an infusion of cattitude! (Not to mention it would be an awesome way to have a little bit of your amazing artwork on hand at all times; one never knows when life will hand us a lemon and we’ll need a mood booster.)
I love, love LOVE the box vehicles! How clever! I love everything, but that just stood out for these episodes. And you really have to read it again and again, along with the comments, to find all the little treasures you’ve stashed in the cartoons! Thank you for this wonderful Christmas present!
Hey Georgia! This is my first time commenting and I just have to say I love your comics! I read them to my little sister everyday and she seems to love them too (I’ve trained her well). Anyway that’s all! Please keep making more fantastic comics!
I very desperately have the urge to get the spray bottle out and give that grumpy ol’ Snowball a spritz right in the face! What a grumpy ol’ jerk. I am starting to think that he’s related to Wicket. Or maybe they based Snowball’s character on Wicket.
The “Good Boy” sash on Cat and Kit’s shrug in panel 10 just cinch this strip for me! They are just perfection! You have such an amazing gift, Georgia. I can’t tell you how much joy you bring to my days.
I can’t believe that we only have 3 more days of new strips then we go back into the holding pattern until March. I have my fingers crossed that we may get one or two little goodies in the interim…
And How could I forget Elvis and Burt in panel 5??? I must be half asleep as I’m posting.
I love how Elvis is getting so into things. And Burt is usually so calm, cool and collected. Seeing him so enthusiastic is a joy!
As with several of the men both here and on GoComics, I am not reading this strip while it is showing a soap opera, since I do not care for those. Just so long as everybody understands that I am NOT watching this, reading this or in any way following this.
I love the fluffy tail of a startled kittery, uhm, kitty. And Elvis bonding with Burt over a soap opera, which of course Elvis is not watching or following either, I love that too!
Also, it looks like Father O’Kittery is old enough to be missing a fang. One of our cats lost a fang somewhere along the line. He just showed up without it one day. Didn’t seem to be in any pain, no swelling in the gums, no other injuries, just a suddenly missing fang. It made him look a little goofy. (I never said that to his face of course). Blackie, I believe it was. Since he was all black, I wanted to call him Anakin, as he reminded me of Darth Vader. (Just his fur color, he was a sweet cat). But he ended up with the incredibly imaginative “Blackie” for a name. Ah well, still a great cat, missing fang and all.
And Snowball? Just some friendly advice here, never declare that a priest is your enemy. No good can come of that.
Not that I am watching or in any way care, of course.
EVERYTHING is just awesome!!!!!! I am so happy to have new episodes of BCN I am beside myself! The wait was worthwhile, I must say, and I ~have~ been enjoying the “reruns”.
Thanks so much for the Christmas present and wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday.
georgia wishing everyone in your family uprights an four legged a merry Christmas.
thanks for sharing roscoe with us. as Barbara said a lovely tribute.
sending hugs to each and everyone.
Everything, simply everything about this strip and this particular series is just wonderful.
Thank you Georgia for this lovely Christmas gift to your readers and I look forward to the new stories in March.
I hope that you and all of your readers and all of your human and feline and canine (and whatever!) families have a wonderful Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year!
May the new year bring us all joy and love and peace.
Georgia, have you considered a behind-the-scenes look at _Our IX Lives_? What are the actors like, and how do they get along? Followers of _Our IX Lives_ could be reading gossip mags.
Snowball Taggart may not be dying, but his actor (Purrsy Clawson) is. Clawson plays the cantankerous Taggart on the popular lick opera _Our IX Lives_. Clawson’s PurRperson revealed Chewsday that Clawson is suffering from progressive kidney disease. She added, “It has progressed to partial renal failure, but Purr does have a few years left.” Clawson announced no plans for retirement: “I decided early in life that I would rather die in mid-pounce. Lives are for the living.”
Meowna Pusscat, president of the Official Purrsy Clawson Fan Club, asked for comment, stated: “Well, isn’t that a swat in the rear? Purrsy has played a wide variety of roles in his career, and we have many different breeds of fans. My brother, who hates most lick operas, loves hating Snowball Taggart. We both met Purrsy earlier this year, and we were charmed by his manners and kindness. Best wishes, old tom. We’re clawing for you.”
BTW Georgia, you said on GoComics: “(And yes, the other picture is the Golden Mouse! She appeared one other time in this special )” The other time was Part V, panel 8, in Kit Chase’s car on the dashboard.
Since I discovered BCN late, I’ve loved getting caught up with the reruns. Even reruns of reruns. The Elvis/Tommy story has always been a favorite. I think if Our IX Lives was on TV, I’d be watching it, too! Merry Christmas to you, the Man & your 2, 3 & 4-legged kids!
I’ve never been a fan of the soaps, but I’m laughing aloud hysterically at Fr. O’Kittery’s statement in the bottom 2nd panel. If that doesn’t moosh up the spirit of soap operishness nothing does! What a great toon! Worth waiting an extra day for. And don’t worry about the posts; in this day and age every one should understand the frustration of computers, and if they don’t they’re living in a different century:) Thank you thank you Georgia for a great laugh!
This goes back to the Kit colour question. Japanese Bobtail is a breed. Calico is a colour. They are not mutually exclusive. And yes, though very rare, calicoes can be male. Writing while sipping tea in my newest BCN mug. Wishing all the most wonderful 2017
Oh. hush Snowball! You’re standing there in a hospital gown that’s open in the back and non-slip socks. This is not the time to be turning down help.
Is that a tiny picture of his one true love on the altar?
The tiny picture is the golden mouse. I saw Georgia say on twitter it was going to be in today’s strip and it was in one other already. I went back to the Wicket story line and if you enlarge this one you can see it is the same.
Just saying…for the past two mornings your new strips have not appeared on Instead they appear to be re-running your first Christmas special again.
Thank you–I hate to say that is a mess up on my end. For some reason my laptop has been loading things a bit funny. I’m relieved that the strip will be 6-8 weeks ahead when we return in March, and I won’t have to try and mess around with my ancient laptop daily. I’ve never attempted full sized daily strips before (I am painting and posting these nightly) and unfortunately, I can’t get it right every time. For some reason I uploaded the file wrong, and as it is the middle of the night, I now am waiting it out until I can get it corrected tomorrow. :/
Well, it is nice to see Elvis and Tommy become BFFs all over again. When I need a lift, I always go back and look at the panel of Tommy and his Woman hugging and kneading each other once he’s found again.
It’s OK Georgia. I’m sure everyone understands and will be patient. After all, we have the backup on the BCN web site. I do love this story. It’s fun, imaginative and delightful. It’s the perfect comic strip for people to get their minds off the hectic holiday season.
I LOVE Father OKittery! What a gorgeous puss! Time to make amends, Mr Taggert!
But so nice to see Tommy’s big fluffy back paws again
ROTFL! Is that supposed to be “Jesus” as a cat in the picture over Father O’Kittery’s bureau with the melting candles? He looks like a chubby Elvis, and of course, he’s a good boy! I love it! Nice of Father O’Kittery to use a life up for Kit. Elvis is definitely warming up to Kit Chase. And shame on Ebenezer Taggert having stole Father O’Kittery’s true love and being mercilessly cruel at Christmas. *tsk tsk*
Too many treats for a good boy?
Is Kit a male calico?
Also LOVED the boxcar vehicles the past few days. My kitties have a long narrow box they hunker down in and we say they’re “driving the bus.”
Thanks for bringing the kitties back for Christmas.
Kit is a Japanese bob tail!
Did not see that coming. Poor Smores, her heart will be broken!
*Smores attacks the girl’s foot*
Guess she didn’t like Kit like that then. Whoops.
That’s okay, Georgia. I’m enjoying the new one, and the Tommy story is all my all time favorite. So, it’s like two gifts in one! If your next book going to catch us in time to the Tommy Christmas story.
I am so happy about your syndication deal; I could just burst with pride for be you. Yours is a wonderful talent. You are not only a gifted artist, but you have a great sense of humor, and the gift to breath adorable lives into my very favorite characters (and animals). May you have a merry Christmas and may your next year be shiny and bright
Thank you!! These were good kind words to wake up to!
Looks like Snowball is about to get a lesson in Matthew 5:44.
We love your strip,, and we can be patient with the odd repeated episode. We hope that your solstice is happy and healthy, and that it won’t be all repeated episodes until March! We’ll keep reading anyway, whatever happens.
Father O’Kittery is great! And I’m sure Elvis would approve of Good Boy being a Siamese.
OK folks, how many people have an inner voice speaking before each strip, ” Like sands through the hourglass, these are our IX Lives”
Thank you Georgia, I found this strip with the Tommy Xmas special. And this is the best present I can imagine.
Merry Christmas everyone.
And a Happy New Year.
is that a picture of the Golden Mouse on the altar? Next special should be Snowball Taggert’s infomercial on “How to Win Friends & Influence Cats”. Elvis, you would be appalled if you could see how into this soap you’ve become. Hopefully Natasha took a picture so you won’t be able to deny it. Will my Lupin make an appearance, I hope, I hope, I hope?
Oho! Snowball goes back a ways with Father O’Kittery. The plot gets even thicker. Of course, “Our IX Lives” is a soap, so how can any of this be truly resolved?
Will the Taggart sisters arrive before Snowball and the Padre get too poofy? Will Bandit reappear from Laundry Canyon? And…what of The One Dress?
Praying to Good Boy and the Golden Mouse, I see. What is this religion called?
Sounds like you need an assistant–maybe Beatrix can help! : ) No worries–we can find you! I don’t watch any soaps, but I think I might be getting hooked on this one. : ) Thank you for all of your had work! You are incredibly talented, and a blessing to so many! I hope you and your whole family (including the furry ones of course!) have the Merriest Christmas and Happiest New Year ever! : )
Thank you, Kate!
GEORGIA: keep it this way so we can enjoy the TOMMY story on Gocomics and Our Nine Lives on this sight! Two stories are always better than one (besides I loved the Elvis/Tommy story) Merry Christmas and God bless you, your family and the furballs!
Is that smaller picture of the Golden Mouse? I love the fact you managed to sneak her in!
That is so odd, because on the gocomics app, the current Christmas special has been running just fine!
Loving this, Georgia! I knew Elvis would get into the show!! Father O’Kittery is an awesome name. I may have to use it one day, should we ever bring home another male kitty!
I think it’s supposed to be the son of Cat. The sash says “Good Boy”. Or I could need glasses.
I do need glasses! You are right Jayne I see her now!
I love this special. I watched DOOL as soon as I was out of the womb. Up until a few years ago. The 80’s were the best years.
And of course I posted that before heading to the gocomics app today! Yesterday and days before that, it was on this special, but yep…today it is on an older strip.
Hope they get it figured out!
Georgia, if the comic isn’t on (like it was this morning for me), I just come here and check out the daily strip. I’m not saying that everybody who is noting that it’s not the current comic is upset, but the ones who could be upset should know that they only have to come here to see it. The bummer of the thing is that after Our IX Lives is over in a few “episodes”, we will have to wait until March for new ones. But that’s okay with me. I can live with another three months of reruns. It’s just like watching reruns of Law & Order on TNT. You’ve seen the episode before, but you watch it again because, who knows, there might be something you missed the first time around or perhaps forget how it ends. We will be here waiting patiently until that date arrives. We = me and all the loyal fans of yours. The ones who complain about the reruns aren’t the loyal ones or they would know your situation.
Happy Holidays to you and your entire family…two-legged, three-legged, and four-legged!!
Thank you, Michael!
My goodness, you put so much talent and imagination into these comic works of art, and then are victimized by technology like those of us with much less talent and imagination – give yourself a break! Those of us at can Jane Jetson a few buttons on the keyboard to find the updated ones here, happily, cheerfully, and gratefully, and without negative vibes. (Those who can’t – lumps of coal for you!) Hope you and all the family have a RESTFUL, beautiful Christmas and New Year!
Thank you Erika!
Omigosh–it’s the Golden Mouse! She’s been officially canonized!
Georgia…splurge and get yourself a new laptop for Catmas, I mean Christmas. Write it off on 2016 taxes as a business expense!!
Excellent strip again today as usual!
You are working hard, so no worries to me Thank you for your daily cat affirmations!
That’s ok, Miss Georgia, the classics are excellent. What with the kiddie colds, cookie baking, traumatic Pengo bath, you have your paws full.
I think I spy the Golden Mouse, too.
And Cat is “good boy”…
Good Boy like fat Elvis? =D Agatha Golden Mouse?!! :DD wow
I love the “good boy” on the sash on the cat in the picture in the first frame.
I really hope this special doesn’t end with Snowball Taggart learning a lesson. Some bad guys need to stay bad for entertainment’s sake.
Fur cats sake.
That was a typo, I swear.
I hear Father O’Kittery speaking with a decided Irish accent….
Georgia, this series is fantastic. BCN just gets better and better (and better . . .). Loved the texts between Beatrix and Natasha in the last installment. And you are so good at capturing the tone of soaps (“Snowball Taggart? Married my one true love and forced me into the priesthood Snowball Taggart?”). Have a wonderful holiday with The Man, The Toddler, The Baby, and of course the Boys. xo
Today’s depiction of “Cat” is based on the Siamese cat we had when I was growing up. He was a great big fat sweetheart, and he lived to be 17! He was the smartest cat I’ve ever encountered, and I still miss him like crazy. His name was Roscoe and he was, and will always be, a good boy. I’ve wanted to find a way to work him into the comic for sometime, and this seemed like a sweet way to honor him. I thought you all might like to know who that sweet fat little fuzzball is!
(And yes, the other picture is the Golden Mouse! She appeared one other time in this special )
Aaaww, what a lovely tribute
I love the fact that you paid tribute to your kitty this way. Such a wonderful way to honor your Roscoe.
And I love how you slipped the Golden Mouse into episode five. Very creative (and adorable)!
Now I completely want you to put out Golden Mouse Dashboard Cards, you do realize this, right?
(Seriously, if you Zazzle it, they will sell…)
This is an excellent idea… Maybe I will try to create some Cat and Golden Mouse prints!
Yes, yes, YES!!! Please make it happen!!! My ride needs an infusion of cattitude! (Not to mention it would be an awesome way to have a little bit of your amazing artwork on hand at all times; one never knows when life will hand us a lemon and we’ll need a mood booster.)
I love, love LOVE the box vehicles! How clever! I love everything, but that just stood out for these episodes. And you really have to read it again and again, along with the comments, to find all the little treasures you’ve stashed in the cartoons! Thank you for this wonderful Christmas present!
Hey Georgia! This is my first time commenting and I just have to say I love your comics! I read them to my little sister everyday and she seems to love them too (I’ve trained her well). Anyway that’s all! Please keep making more fantastic comics!
That is awesome! Thank you, Kate!
I very desperately have the urge to get the spray bottle out and give that grumpy ol’ Snowball a spritz right in the face! What a grumpy ol’ jerk. I am starting to think that he’s related to Wicket. Or maybe they based Snowball’s character on Wicket.
The “Good Boy” sash on Cat and Kit’s shrug in panel 10 just cinch this strip for me! They are just perfection! You have such an amazing gift, Georgia. I can’t tell you how much joy you bring to my days.
I can’t believe that we only have 3 more days of new strips then we go back into the holding pattern until March. I have my fingers crossed that we may get one or two little goodies in the interim…
And How could I forget Elvis and Burt in panel 5??? I must be half asleep as I’m posting.
I love how Elvis is getting so into things. And Burt is usually so calm, cool and collected. Seeing him so enthusiastic is a joy!
As with several of the men both here and on GoComics, I am not reading this strip while it is showing a soap opera, since I do not care for those. Just so long as everybody understands that I am NOT watching this, reading this or in any way following this.
I love the fluffy tail of a startled kittery, uhm, kitty. And Elvis bonding with Burt over a soap opera, which of course Elvis is not watching or following either, I love that too!
Also, it looks like Father O’Kittery is old enough to be missing a fang. One of our cats lost a fang somewhere along the line. He just showed up without it one day. Didn’t seem to be in any pain, no swelling in the gums, no other injuries, just a suddenly missing fang. It made him look a little goofy. (I never said that to his face of course). Blackie, I believe it was. Since he was all black, I wanted to call him Anakin, as he reminded me of Darth Vader. (Just his fur color, he was a sweet cat). But he ended up with the incredibly imaginative “Blackie” for a name. Ah well, still a great cat, missing fang and all.
And Snowball? Just some friendly advice here, never declare that a priest is your enemy. No good can come of that.
Not that I am watching or in any way care, of course.
EVERYTHING is just awesome!!!!!! I am so happy to have new episodes of BCN I am beside myself! The wait was worthwhile, I must say, and I ~have~ been enjoying the “reruns”.
Thanks so much for the Christmas present and wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday.
Thank you, Hilda!
georgia wishing everyone in your family uprights an four legged a merry Christmas.
thanks for sharing roscoe with us. as Barbara said a lovely tribute.
sending hugs to each and everyone.
Thank you!!
Everything, simply everything about this strip and this particular series is just wonderful.
Thank you Georgia for this lovely Christmas gift to your readers and I look forward to the new stories in March.
I hope that you and all of your readers and all of your human and feline and canine (and whatever!) families have a wonderful Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year!
May the new year bring us all joy and love and peace.
Georgia, have you considered a behind-the-scenes look at _Our IX Lives_? What are the actors like, and how do they get along? Followers of _Our IX Lives_ could be reading gossip mags.
I keep inwardly debating whether or not to show them as actors, and to see if real life Kit and real life Angora get along, etc! Maybe one day…
(Wondering what bribe would be necessary to see the Angora actress all puffed up at Kit Chase actor)
Something like:
Lick Opera Star Dying!
Snowball Taggart may not be dying, but his actor (Purrsy Clawson) is. Clawson plays the cantankerous Taggart on the popular lick opera _Our IX Lives_. Clawson’s PurRperson revealed Chewsday that Clawson is suffering from progressive kidney disease. She added, “It has progressed to partial renal failure, but Purr does have a few years left.” Clawson announced no plans for retirement: “I decided early in life that I would rather die in mid-pounce. Lives are for the living.”
Meowna Pusscat, president of the Official Purrsy Clawson Fan Club, asked for comment, stated: “Well, isn’t that a swat in the rear? Purrsy has played a wide variety of roles in his career, and we have many different breeds of fans. My brother, who hates most lick operas, loves hating Snowball Taggart. We both met Purrsy earlier this year, and we were charmed by his manners and kindness. Best wishes, old tom. We’re clawing for you.”
“lick opera”? A soap opera for cats.
BTW Georgia, you said on GoComics: “(And yes, the other picture is the Golden Mouse! She appeared one other time in this special )” The other time was Part V, panel 8, in Kit Chase’s car on the dashboard.
Since I discovered BCN late, I’ve loved getting caught up with the reruns. Even reruns of reruns. The Elvis/Tommy story has always been a favorite. I think if Our IX Lives was on TV, I’d be watching it, too! Merry Christmas to you, the Man & your 2, 3 & 4-legged kids!
I’ve never been a fan of the soaps, but I’m laughing aloud hysterically at Fr. O’Kittery’s statement in the bottom 2nd panel. If that doesn’t moosh up the spirit of soap operishness nothing does! What a great toon! Worth waiting an extra day for. And don’t worry about the posts; in this day and age every one should understand the frustration of computers, and if they don’t they’re living in a different century:) Thank you thank you Georgia for a great laugh!
Ahh! Father O’Kittery was in love with Snowbelle? The plot thickens!
This goes back to the Kit colour question. Japanese Bobtail is a breed. Calico is a colour. They are not mutually exclusive. And yes, though very rare, calicoes can be male. Writing while sipping tea in my newest BCN mug. Wishing all the most wonderful 2017
It’s not even christmas and I love the specials!!!!!